


5 months, 29 days ago


Pronouns: He/Him

World: Solar System

Birthday: May 2

Height: 4'8" (~142.24cm)


Mars is a rough and rugged kid with a boundless curiosity. He hosts an active imagination which only compliments his hyperactivity; there is never a dull moment with Mars. He is lively, fun-loving, and always seems to be sporting a toothy smile. However, he can easily become narrow-minded and impatient when things move too slowly for his tastes. He very much enjoys the company of others with his liking to the planets relying heavily on their willingness to play with him. Mars is a very “hands-on learner” who is more skilled at performing tasks that involve interaction compared to the general application of knowledge you’d often associate with math and science. He is definitely an “act before think” kind of person who gets by with sheer luck and an abnormally thick skull. Mars has an incredibly high tolerance to pain, being able to bounce back from scrapes, scratches, and bruises of any kind completely unaffected. Mars is a true dynamo.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Mars would be the oldest brother (and second youngest sibling).
  • The two buttons on Mars' overalls are meant to represent the planet's two moons, Phobos and Deimos.
  • There is embroidery of the Curiosity Rover on Mars' overall pocket.
  • Mars' birthday (May 2) represents the degrees of the planet's axis tilt (25° ---> 5/2).

.Design Notes

  • Mars has a missing front tooth on the top right.
  • Mars is regularly covered and scrapes, bandages and bruises.