


6 months, 19 days ago


Pronouns: She/Her

World: Solar System

Birthday: February 19

Height: 20'0" (~609.6cm)


The Sun (or simply "Sun") is a lively, radiant, youthful, and beaming character. She hosts a constantly high-energy personality and has a round-the-clock jovial attitude. Being around for the longest, she understands her planets inside and out, and is often the one they go to for advice or general emotional support. When the going gets tough, she is the glue that holds everyone together. She has a genuine and unbeatable warmth to her that the others rely on much like the actual planets rely on the sun. She cares for all of the planets like her own (which they sort of are) and while she has everyone’s best interests at heart, she has a tendency to be overprotective and overbearing at times. She can sometimes come off as self-absorbed and can easily become caught in her “zone” from time to time, which can also contribute to her care-free nature and occasional forgetfulness. Her intentions are pure, however, even if she can get carried away at times.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Sun would be the energetic grandmother.
  • Sun's birthday (February 19) is the birthday of the polymath who proposed the idea of heliocentricism - Nicolaus Copernicus.

Design Notes

  • Sun's eyes are always closed in a cheerful squint.
  • The sun's general shape is reflective of the roundness of our star.