


6 months, 23 days ago


Pronouns: He/Him

World: Solar System

Birthday: February 15

Height: 9'1" (~276.86cm)


Jupiter is a boisterous and jolly fellow with a massive heart. He has a booming and hearty laugh that can bring a smile to anybody who hears it. He is hard-working, passionate, and an excellent motivator with a remarkable go-getter attitude. Jupiter is everything you would imagine from a loud and energetic cowboy; southern drawl and all! Being the largest planet, he holds an unofficial authority over all the others. He is very protective of his fellow planets, especially the smaller rocky ones. He spends a lot of his time keeping the comet cattle from harming the inner planets with his (supposedly) infinite cosmic lasso. Jupiter is definitely what you would call “street smarts”, having an extensive knowledge on many hands-on skills and techniques. However, he can easily be stumped by complex problem solving. Jupiter is prideful, but also knows his limits, so he will often turn to the other gassy planets for assistance in the more technical and methodical fields that he is unfamiliar with. He is probably the most well-functioning of the larger planets.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Jupiter would be the enthusiastic father.
  • The buttons on both Jupiter's jacket and belt are meant to represent the planet's numerous moons.
  • The large red buckle in Jupiter's belt is meant to represent the planet's iconic Red Spot storm.
  • Like all the other Jovian planets, Jupiter's rings is depicted by the brim his hat.
  • Jupiter's birthday (February 15) is the birthday of the astronomer who discovered the planet - Galileo Galilei.

Design Notes

  • Jupiter was meant to look WIDE and huggable.
  • He has the most complex design of the larger planets.