


6 months, 23 days ago


Pronouns: She/Her

World: Solar System

Birthday: February 25

Height: 5'6" (~167.64cm)


Venus is a stern, direct, and quick-tempered character. She is a solitary planet by choice who prefers alone-time over company. She enjoys creative one-person activities such as reading and writing. She will allow the company of others, but will not hesitate to let you know when you’ve overstayed your welcome. Venus is one to speak her mind clearly and bluntly, meaning that everything she says about you is exactly what she thinks of you. Despite being the hottest planet in the solar system, the best word to describe Venus would be “cold”. She is very distant, reserved and quiet; rarely ever speaking. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s shy, but rather that she is very selective with her words. Venus is a planet of purpose, meaning that she doesn’t like to dance around tasks or objectives. She is the most driven planet and prefers to take the most logical and efficient solution to most problems. Her line of thinking is incredibly linear and will often have a hard time deviating from logic. Despite all of this, she still generally enjoys the other planets; some more than others. She seems to have the closest bond to Earth due to their close proximity and being nearly the same age.

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Venus would be the youngest sister (and second oldest sibling).
  • Venus' thick coat and scarf are meant to represent the planet's thick atmosphere concealing its surface.
  • Earth's birthday (February 25) is meant to represent the length of a year on Venus (225 Earth days ---> 2/25).

Design Notes

  • Venus' mouth is rarely ever shown and her eyes are never shown.