


5 months, 29 days ago


Pronouns: Any (gender is a mystery)

World: Solar System

Birthday: February 18

Height: 1'4" (~40.64cm)


Pluto is the baby of the group. Despite their size, they are the most powerful of them all. They feast on souls, level cities in seconds, and can obliterate galaxies in half that time. Of course, that is what I would say if they could actually do those things. In reality, Pluto doesn’t have much of a personality outside of being silent and mysterious. They always seem to be walking with a purpose, but nobody knows where they go or what they do when nobody’s looking. They come just as quickly as they go; appearing whenever mentioned or needed. Despite their perpetual silence and mysterious intentions, every single planet holds Pluto close to their hearts for different reasons and Pluto loves them right back. They are a family after all! Where would we be without Pluto?

Trivia & Facts

  • If the solar system characters were a family, Pluto would be the weird cousin.
  • Pluto doesn't talk, but everybody seems to understand what they're thinking.
  • The heart shaped mark on Pluto's hair is mean to represent a smooth patch of ice on the former planet called "Sputnik Planitia".
  • Pluto's birthday (February 18) represents the day that the former planet was discovered in 1930.

Design Notes

  • Pluto's expression is constant and never changes.