


4 months, 5 days ago


Marici is an ancient enigmatic figure in the world of Syamo. She is the predecessor to the Living Calamity Tiamat, and was known as the "Ocean Queen;" during her time as mantle Marici formed a bond and working relationship with the xarrons. Almost forming a peace.

-=General Info=-
Name: Illore
Pronunciation: E-Lore
Nicknames: The Radiant Seraphim
Age: Approximately 300
Creation Date: TBA
Birthplace: The Gilded City of Aegethias
Species: Sollan (Stickfigure)
   Race: Clercian
      Ethnicity: TBA
Gender: Female She/Her
Height: 6'11
Status: Deceased (KIA)

Current residence: N/A
Occupation: The Ocean Queen
Relationship status: TBA
Social Status: A religious and mythical figure.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Marici is a light gold stick figure with blue accents and a petite hourglass figure. With bright blue sclera and solid white irises, her hair is straight and smooth with blue highlights. Wearing a sleek white 

Likes: TBA
Dislikes: TBA
Fears: TBA
Hobbies/past times: TBA
Guilty pleasures: TBA
Pet Peeves: TBA
Personal goals: TBA
Religious values: TBA
General intelligence: TBA
General sociability: TBA


-=Abilities and Powers=-
Marine Skill: Siren's Call
Marici's voice had the power to contact, communion, and communicate with all creatures of the sea, even telepathically communicate with ancient clrcians. Using this, Marici gained a strong affinity with even the most powerful sea creatures. Gaining one of them as her companion and mount.

Enchantment: Aquarion
Marici held a powerful 2 pronged trident that had the power to give her dominion over the ocean. With it, she created powerful waves, currents, and even water spouts that summoned great storms. The trident gave her the ability to travel in the air through rain and travel at great speeds through the ocean.

The Mantle of Serenity
With the mantle, Marici used its influence to become a beacon of peace.



-=Other Details=-