


2 years, 7 months ago



 General Info 

Real Name: [Redacted]
Name They Go By/"Main Nickname": Badga
Pronunciation: Bad-Ga
Nicknames: "Bad", "[Redacted]"
Age: 25
Birthday: August 24th
Birthplace: [Redacted]
Species: Stickfigure
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'1 (185 Cm)

 Distinguishing features 

Badga is an average looking cyan stickfigure that wears a navy blue shirt under a long brown jacket. They also wear dark grey pants, brown boots, and golden locket
His eyes are a dark brown color but turn into a bright red when using his powers

Current residence: Cr
Current home: Ch
Occupation: None
Relationship status: Single
Social status: ss


Voice claim/Accent: accent
Language: language
Other languages known: other
Style of speaking: speaking


At a young age, Badga was very joyful and energetic. They were very loving and caring and they did their best to make people happy. 

As they grew up towards teenagehood, he was less energetic and had more of a neutral look most of the time. They're also more emotional and able to be aggravated.

However, one they went through a Traumatic Disaster, his personality and character completely shifts as a way to cope with it all. He fully closes himself off and his views on family and friendship becomes completely negative. He's able to read people decently well, and from time to time can read people like a book. He's stubborn, harsh, blunt, apathetic, uncaring, grumpy,  and isolated. But every once in a while, some of his old characteristics seep out. Showing that the person he once was is still in there.

After a few years of being like this, he started to come around and find people that slowly chipped away at his negative front. After a while he started realizing that his emotions again and his views start to shift back to what they were once before hand.

Badga's personality is currently and for the foreseeable future a slight mess. He's still dealing with getting out of their negative phase and is starting to deal with his own regrets and guilt about past issues. They're still blunt and stubborn, yet they're more outwardly kind and caring especially towards those close to him. He's able to read people like a book sometimes, and yet also can be as dense as a rock other times.

Likes: Dogs, Stars, Night time, Those close to him
Dislikes: dislikes
Hobbies/past times: text
Guilty pleasures: text
Pet peeves: text
Personal goals: Relearn who he is, learn more about and grow his abilities, and be there for those close to him
General intelligence: text
General sociability: text




Friends (currently)





Love interest


General Skills: here
Peaceful or violent?  Overall peaceful, unless he's provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: Fists, Swords, 


Badga is able to use his energy and energy around him to fight and create objects.










Childhood + Early Teenagehood

Badga grew up as an only child with his mom and dad. He loved them dearly and cared deeply for them. As he grew up he made friends such as Drew, Don, and Kayla. They'd always be together and their friendship only grew stronger, to the extent that at some point Badga would consider them like a second family. As he grew closer to his teen years he became less energetic, but they were still the caring person that they were when younger. However as time passed, he slowly had doubts and fears about his friendships and even family. He slowly was getting in a bad mental state which made those doubts and fears be even stronger. This caused his personality to shift towards a more negative and harsh place, which caused conflict with those close to him like his friends. Said conflict caused Badga to be even more bitter. Then one night, he had an eerily realistic feeling nightmare of a horrible disaster. He tried to shake that nightmare off, but day after day it would keep coming back in his mind. Each time it came back, it felt more threatening and nearing. Then, it finally came



Post Disaster

The aftermath was harsh for Badga. Each day took a mental toll on him, until one day he reached his limit. Once that happened, he slowly began to change and he acted almost like a completely new person. His views on family and friendship became completely negative. He viewed anyone as someone that had an ulterior motive, that was only doing it for themselves, and who were horrible in the inside. He had that view towards everyone and even themselves, except for children. His view on children were that they are good, but through the influence of the world become just as bad as the rest.

He wandered about with little purpose for a few years, until he starts to stay by a city near Aegis Fields. He sleeps and stays atop of the roof of one of the city's buildings. With the aid of his abilities, which he gained through the events of the disaster, he found ways to do the bare minimum to stay alive while also minimizing the amount of interaction that he has with others.

However that perspective starts slowly cracking as he runs into people, like Lucy, that challenge that mentality. These cracks starts to make him open up more and soften up slowly overtime. Those cracks reach a breaking point when he's forced to confront his past, by facing the one that caused the disaster. After that confrontation, Badga is able to reflect and process everything that he's gone through for the first time ever. He doesn't know really know who he is or what he believes anymore, and so he starts trying to find himself.


 Other Details 
