Pallas Nicholaides



5 years, 2 months ago


AGE 17 (Birthday: April 3rd)

SHORT DESCRIPTION The wealthy boy arranged to marry Elena Runderwater.

PERSONALITY Pallas is a very warm and gentle individual, a kind-hearted boy who is very polite and respectful towards all he meets, even if they might not deserve it. Selfless and noble, he is willing to sacrifice whatever he can for the greater good.

He is however, quite sheltered and easily influenced by his mother especially. He is entirely oblivious to her manipulation of him however, as he simply believes it to be normal.

He is very passionate about the idea of justice, perhaps he wants to be a lawyer...?


ONGOING STORY Pallas has recently been introduced to his bride-to-be, Elena, and finds her to be a charming and wonderful young lady! Unfortunately, his polite and friendly attitude is absolutely repugnant as far as she's concerned, though he doesn't seem phased by this as he knows their marriage is out of their hands either way.

LIKES: Justice, animals, charity work, sports - fencing, tennis, rugby and equestrian

DISLIKES: Villainy, greed, politics, the unjust state of the world

STRENGTHS: Polite, wealthy, good-hearted, athletic and capably strong

WEAKNESSES: Manipulated by his mother, oblivious, passive, delusional...