
4 years, 8 months ago



Name Kiran Bostwick
Age 20
Height 6" 5'
Species Auracorn (TOS)
Gender Agender
Pronouns They/Them
Orientation Bi
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Auracorn Guardian
Theme tbd

Status Forever Homed
Designer Me
Worth $8
Obtained Via MYO Purchase


Everyone knows of Kiran. They’re pretty obvious - big wings, a literal auracorn guardian, and the child of the most influential theatre owner in all of the City. People stare when they’re out shopping, and everyone wants to get to know them. Kiran hates this. They hate attention, hate being stared at, and hate everyone knowing who they are.

Kiran is a very private person. They like to keep themself to themself, never mind how much gossip people want on them. Ideally, they’d just be an ordinary person living an ordinary life. Of course, such things are not to be. Kiran gets really freaked out by people knowing about the things they’d prefer to keep to themself, and has a tendency to cause some damage by accident. Oops?

Despite all this, however, Kiran is fiercely protective of the people of the Golden Isles. They are, after all, the guardian. They’re going to make sure people don’t suffer, whatever it takes. It’s very important to them that people get to live happy and healthy lives. Kiran just doesn’t want to get attached to individuals. There’s too much risk that they’re going to outlive their friends.

Given that they are immortal, Kiran is the kind of person who takes forever to finish projects. They are a very creative sort of person, just like their moms, so their home is covered in handmade everything, from tables to plushies to paintings. Technically, the government would supply Kiran with a nice home, but they don’t want it.

Kiran isn’t a violent person at heart. Ideally, they’d avoid fighting all together. However, some of the beasts of the Golden Isles are cruel on purpose and need to be put down for the good of all life. Kiran mourns for everything and everyone that dies. They are quite the sensitive soul. They can be reckless, though, especially with the whole protection thing. Kiran always feels kinda guilty after they explode something too much. It’s painful.

Design Notes

  • Kiran is an auracorn, and thus has an equine feral form. It has the same markings (and wings) as their humanoid form, it’s just a horse.
  • Kiran does sometimes put their face wings over their face when everything is Too Much.
  • From their gemstone, Kiran can summon a horn which allows them to perform magic (specifics in ref).
  • Kiran wears very loose clothes due to all of the wings.


  • Kiran wasn’t originally an auracorn guardian. They became one when the previous guardian of the Golden Isles decided to retire and needed someone to fill in. It wasn’t their choice.
  • Kiran has 3 moms and refers to them all as Mom. Their moms figure it out.
  • Kiran is perfectly capable of flying, although they usually use one pair of wings at a time because otherwise it gets messy.
  • Kiran spends way too long on grooming on a daily basis.
  • As an Auracorn Guardian, Kiran is immortal.
  • Kiran’s moms were in their 30s when they were born. Kiran is also 10 years younger than cousin Delilah.


Kiran wasn’t born in the traditional sense. After all, they’re genetically related to all three of their moms and that isn’t natural. This is thanks to Auntie Marilyn’s close relationship to the CEO of Genesis Children, Celeste. Marilyn was able to convince Celeste herself to engineer a child for Taz and her wives.

Obviously, Kiran was that baby. Their moms adored them from day one, doting on them and giving them all the love and affection a child could need (even if there was the occasional “go ask your mother” loop).

A byproduct of being the child of three performers is that Kiran was pushed from a young age into being a performer just like their moms. It was fine at first. Young Kiran loved the spotlight, too oblivious to notice the audience.

As they grew into a teenager, however, Kiran noticed the audience for the first time. They’d never liked being watched in any other context, but now it was personal. They changed their passions to something a little less public. While the mom squad was supportive, it was obvious that they were disappointed that their kid didn’t take after them.

What Kiran didn’t realize was that they had been singled out by their mysterious Great-Grandparent, the elusive Guardian of the Golden Isles. The previous Guardian hated their job with a passion and had been alive for thousands of years prior to the Golden Isles’ discovery.

So, when Kiran was 16, their great-grandparent showed up and turned them into a guardian. Seriously, they weren’t even given a choice. Taz flipped out, of course (they were her grandparent after all).

Kiran’s been learning their duties ever since. It’s been hard - they’ve grown quite distant from people knowing that they are definitely going to outlive everyone else. Plus they’ve got all these new powers, and responsibilities that they aren’t ready to handle, and… and… yeah. At least their parents are nice.


  • Peace
  • Making Things
  • Animals
  • Flying


  • Immortality
  • Their Wings
  • Dust
  • Storms

Lumiere is the fun mom. They’re the mom who wants to make sure Kiran is happy and is best at emotional support. Kiran always goes to them when they’re having a problem, no matter how big or small. Plus, Lumiere always has great ideas (even if they get the both of them in trouble sometimes. Shared mother-child dumbassery for the win). Kiran adores their mom so much.

Anastasia Mom

Kiran may love Anastasia, but she’s very overbearing. This is kind of weird, considering Anastasia is usually a very distant person. Kiran’s had to quietly get her to stop. Luckily, Anastasia is willing to listen. Kiran generally schedules their time with Taz more than they do with any other of their mothers. She’s getting it, slowly. They still love her though.


Kiran idolizes Persephone so much. She’s so graceful, so pretty, and she can fly so well! How could you not love her? She’s wonderful. Plus, Persephone is so soft and is really good at being a mom. She’s gentle as everything. Kiran would love to be like her.

Delilah Cousin

It’s really weird having a cousin who’s that much older than you. Delilah certainly dotes on them enough - she loves kids, but hasn’t found someone to settle down with yet. You know, even if Kiran is still a grown adult. They enjoy her company though. She’s incredibly grounding.

Dove Friend

Even though Dove is hundreds of years older than Kiran, the two became fast friends due to shared circumstances. Seriously, if you’ve gotta spend eternity guarding a place, you’d better find the other immortals. The two have a good relationship and lot of inside jokes. Kiran thinks the funniest is that Dove stole their gender - after all, Dove has two and they have none.