Juleon Sparks



4 years, 7 months ago



"haha... please, don't worry about me!"

mid 40s
Sept. 6th
Powerplant Owner

Juleon is a power plant owner in a major city in a pokemon region (that I made up). He overworks himself a lot, but he has his reasons. He’s less lonely when at work, for one. When working, he lets his mind stay occupied on current matters, which is better than letting them wander to his past. Other people often worry about his health and well-being, but Juleon cares more about maintaining what important possessions he has left than about himself. As long as he keeps a smile on his face, hopefully things shall be alright.


He has dark circles under his eyes

He's thin but mainly from his lack of self care ;; his suits tend to look a bit loose on him. His suits also have shoulder pads inside.

He usually wears a tired smile in front of others. He tries to appear a bit cheerful


His main pokemon. He's had it almost forever, since it was an Elekid. It knows how to take care of Juleon better than Juleon takes care of himself ;w; It also works alongside him in the power plant in emergency situations but it mainly stays in the office with Juleon or supervising the plant.


A pokemon that accopmanies him at work. Even though it would sometimes remind him of the Voltorb he gave Proton, he tries to separate the thought from this one. This Electrode is sometimes used for emergency situations but it's also another longtime friend to him too.

Positive | Neutral | Negative

Charisma ( 35% )
Intuition ( 50% )
Self Control ( 25% )
Resilience ( 50% )
Sociability ( 45% )
Reliability ( 75% )


He loves the scenery of the nearby city at night, where the lights of the buildings and skyscrapers are on. Now that's the power of electricity!

When he does sleep, it's usually in the early morning, and for a couple hours or so. Usually he doesn't like being caught sleeping but he has woken up a few times at his desk with his suit jacket over him like a blanket

He keeps a little framed picture of himself with his wife and a baby Proton tucked away in a desk drawer.


electric and steel types

cities at night

cooler climates


rock and fire types

raising his voice too loud

others fussing over him


Juleon and his young son Proton moved into a small town in the new region (still unnamed). He used to also have a wife but she’s gone now (tba on how). They ended up living right next to the pokemon lab where they met Shio and August and became friends.

For a few years things were going very well. Juleon began his new managing job at the power plant near one of the major cities. He didn't mind the commute since the trains in this region were pretty efficient, and it gave him some extra time to sleep. His main pokemon Electivire was very smart and knew which stations to get on and off at. Proton went to a school in the small town and he had August as a friend now too so Juleon didn't need to worry too much about him. Shio was an entertaining guy to him and he liked listening to his stories of both exploration and research.

But then came the day Proton disappeared. When he didn’t come back from the forest next to the town that evening, Juleon got very worried. He, Shio, and a few other people from town went out that night to look for him but couldn’t find him anywhere. They went to the neighboring town and city to see if anyone saw him there too but they had no luck. Juleon skipped days of work to look for him by himself but he had to ease up eventually to not be at risk of losing his job.

He’s felt very lonely since then, despite having his pokemon and his friends and coworkers around. But being in work surrounded by his coworkers and other pokemon did pick his spirits up a little. However it was less about the people there and more about the increasing number of tasks he was doing that seemed to help him.

Working seemed to let his mind focus on those tasks alone, and in the eyes of others he’s become a very capable and valued employee. With time he got many promotions, until he was able to become owner of the plant. He was really excited for this, since he’s come to really love the place.

He loves it so much that the workers are convinced he lives there now.

It’s true that he hasn’t gone back to his house in town in a very long time. He rented an apartment in the nearby city too but he doesn’t seem to go back there that often either, and if he does it’s either just for food or a shower, or one of his coworkers or friends managed to convince him to get a proper sleep. But proper sleep is hard to get.

So now he’s set on keeping up the power plant. It’s now one of the few things he has, and this will be one thing he won’t ever lose.


His son. He hasn't seen him since his disappearance. He doesn't know that Proton is alive and currently a 'bad guy'. He misses him so much but he tries his best not to dwell on these feelings for too long.


His friend and former neighbor. They get along pretty well but they ted to get in touch every once in a while. Besides them both being busy, Juleon seems to evade Shio whenevr he comes to visit him in he city. Either that or Shio just appears at the wrong times lol.


His friend's son. He hasn't talked to him in a long time but when Shio manages to meet up with Juleon, he does mention him a couple times to tell him how he's doing. Juleon is impressed at how August grew up. And a little sad too...