Darlam & Verston



7 years, 8 months ago


Darlam & Verston

Darlam and Verston are two fictional small towns set somewhere around southern England. They're neighbouring towns that lie not too far apart from each other (only a few miles), and they are nearly identical to each other in terms of culture and amenities. Both towns are surrounded by lots of farmland and wilderness areas, although the nearest city is only about a 30 minute drive away. Many Darlam & Verston residents live in town and work in the nearby city, although a handful of them live and work within the towns. There is no public transportation in Darlam or Verston, so most residents get around by car, on bike, or on foot.

The residents of Darlam and Verston are, in general, quite friendly. Despite their remoteness, these towns pride themselves on having some of the best schools in the region. Darlam and Verston tend to attract many scientists, scholars, and artists who prefer the small-town feel over the big city. The towns are also long-established agricultural communities, and they have been home to many generations of farmers who still produce much of the region's food. There is occasionally some political tension between the more established, conservative "country folk" and the more liberal-leaning "city expats" who both call the towns home, but these differing groups manage to reconcile their disagreements enough to live together in relative peace.

Both towns have a bit of an old-timey feel to them. Many of the buildings look as though they are from the Victorian era, and many of the streets are made of cobblestone, creating an almost fairytale-like atmosphere. However, they are also modern societies; despite their fairytale ambiance, you will still run into characters who dress in modern attire and carry smartphones.

Some points of interest include: The Verston Auditorium (many cool performances take place there, including magic shows!), the enormous Darlam Public Library, and various scenic parks & hiking trails scattered across both towns.

Peggy is the proud mayor of Verston, and Candice is the equally-proud mayor of Darlam.


This plot primarily takes place in the mid-2010s (c. 2016-ish), unless otherwise stated. A handful of these characters exist sometime in the future (ooooooh!)

Characters from Darlam / Verston

Characters from the nearest (unnamed) city surrounding
Darlam / Verston

Town Trivia!

  • Most residents pronounce "Darlam" with short a's, and they leave out the "r" sound.
  • The names of the towns don't have any real world significance; they're just randomly generated "word smashes", which was how I commonly named things when I was younger. (I didn't realize until much later that "Darlam" in particular looks & sounds very similar to the name of a famous US city; I was 14 and didn't know much about US geography or history at the time, so that was purely a coincidence.)
  • Back when all of my OCs were Neopets, I described Darlam & Verston as being fictional towns located just outside of Brightvale. When I decided to move my characters out of Neopia and into the "real world", I made them British towns because Brightvale & Meridell are loosely based on Medieval England (and I guess Neopets itself is British, too, fun fact). (I myself am not British, however; I had considered making them American towns at one point, but it just didn't feel the same).