
Basic info

[Physical age]

[Magic type]
[Magic skill]

Profile status: incomplete, up to date, last updated August 2017
Kari Teslow
kah•ree, tess•low
24th of April
Livian Demon
Researcher, physicist, mathematician
Darkness; offensive and defensive
Intermediate and beginner
Lacks a tail

Quickstats and design notes

Art by Pudpon
❖ A former Guild member, Kari left for the College after losing her girlfriend and wanting to pursue magic
❖ She has an interest in darkness magic related to the demon soul, but isn't sure if the College allows it so is hush about it
❖ Her Guild membership is her reason for her lack of a tail
❖ She's good friends and colleagues with Travis and Benethel
❖ Currently she works in research, using her knowledge of math and physics
❖ Kari is an outgoing woman who makes friends without effort


Kari is a former Guild member who left after losing her girlfriend to another of its members and not managing to get them persecuted. She joined the College to keep her combat skill up while also pursuing her interest in magic, something the Guild absolutely condemned and was punishable by death.

In her short stay she's met up with two other College members; Travis, a fellow darkness mage, and Ben, a wind mage. The two became good friends of hers in no time and are still the people she's around the most to this day.

Although she's just a beginner, she aims to become a better darkness mage and to use her knowledge and skills to get a better understanding of the soul. For now, she works under secrecy, as it's still not clear to her whether or not the College would condone what she's trying to accomplish.


Physical description

Colour palette
