Bone Manipulator aka Aoi



4 years, 3 months ago


Power -

- can use his bones to create weapons or shield

- Bones are pretty strong/ he can exstend them to his body's height

Weakness -

- his bones can break but with each break causes actual damage to his real bones

- is he loses all of his extended bones he can pass out from blood loss. 


The guy in the link is Sara and Kharma's older brother (they are  all adopted by the same family) He can manipulate all of his bones and  make them stronger then they are supposed to be.

 - His hobbies are working out, video games, taking pictures and puzzels be it games or real puzzels

-  He's super protective of his sisters, he's normally calm and level headed but when he does get angry it's hard to stop him from whatever he's about to do. He likes to be very secluded and doesn't like to talk to people he doesn't know. But with his sisters? He's used to yelling and spouting off because that's the only way they listen. He's the one  other guys go to for advice.