
3 years, 5 months ago


.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Vox Bpm
Pronunciation: Vuh- Ox
Nicknames: Voxxy
Age: 26
Birthday: June 21st
Birthplace: Hadena
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Male (He/They)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'6

.:Distinguishing features:.

Vox is a bright, neon blue figure, his face is described as volume beats as you would see on speakers. He's often seen wearing bright blue headphones with a mic as well

Current residence: Hadena
Current home: Apartment
Occupation: Music Creator
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Well known for making popular music 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Very deep voice
Language: Common
Other languages known: Code
Style of speaking: Very lax 

.: Personality :.

Vox is a very chill person, he often gets hyper when blasting music in his apartment and having a grand ol' time. He has a love for video games and music and loves exploring those two things in his passtime.

Likes: Macaroons, gaming, video game OSTs
Dislikes: No sound
Hobbies/past times: Playing video games, chatting with online friends, making music for the world
Guilty pleasures: ???
Pet peeves: Losing, utter nonsense
Personal goals: To become a popular music creator in SRC
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Not the smartest in education, but very clever when it comes to beats
General sociability: Not too social in public, but very social with online peers

.: Relationships :.


Brio - Cousin



Friends (currently)

Pixel - Often collabs with her and Prisma Flash with music and singing
Online friend group - Vox has a group of online friends he likes to hang out with when not creating music.

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat
Peaceful or violent? Depends
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.

-Rhythm Intuition-
Vox has intuitive knowledge of the rhythm of soundwaves, enabling them to easily understand what kind of sound is being projected, where it comes from, where it is going, decipher the sound for any sort of code.

Vox can remove their victim's ability to speak or vocally communicate temporarily or permanently, which can severely limit an opponent's ability to relay information.

.: Fears :.

Vox has the fear of silence

.: Health :.

Vox is perfectly healthy

.: History :.

Vox grew up in a good family, hanging out with Brio during family reunions and making music together for years. However, Vox wanted to pursue gaming as a career. But, he eventually fell out of it and decided to try to pick up music with the encouragement of Brio and his family. And from there Vox started growing in popularity. However, this never stopped him from still finding enjoyment in playing video games with friends.

Vox lives in Hadena, creating music whenever he likes, and occasionally games with his online friends.

.: Other Details :.
