
.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Dizzy
Pronunciation: Di-zzy
Nicknames: Dizz, Red
Age: 36
Birthday: July 17
Birthplace: N/A
Species: Stick figure,
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'7

.:Distinguishing features:.

Dizzy has an indian red-like skin color, followed by two red dots on opposite sides of his face and a large grin on his face, representing a clown-like face. While not seen often, he has bright purple eyes, however, he keeps them closed most of the time. He also appears to have an imp-like tail and dark red horns. He has very sharp fangs and a yellow snake tongue.

Current residence: Traveling
Current home: Travel
Occupation: Sticktuber, Comedian
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Well known comedian 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Randy Feltface
Language: Common
Other languages known: Spanish
Style of speaking: Swears like a sailor 

.: Personality :.

Dizzy is the type of person who sees himself above the rest. He possesses an outrageous sense of humor, many often the madness, which is strengthened by his powers reality-bending powers a huge sense of showmanship and drama, and specifically enjoys dressing up with different outfits from time to time. He has a fondness for making idioms and expressions literal, such as "my ears were burning" or "when pigs fly" and has a habit of telling bad or unfunny jokes.

Likes: Yarn. Pranking people, Making people laugh
Dislikes: Stick in the mud type of people
Hobbies/past times: Pulling pranks, messing with people, speedrunning things, hosting comedian shows
Guilty pleasures: ???
Pet peeves: Yarn, being coddled.
Personal goals: To become a worldwide famous comedian alongside Sizzy
Religious values: None
General intelligence: They tend to act stupid and silly most of the time. However, rarely acts serious and even scary when something is wrong.
General sociability: VERY social and chatty.

.: Relationships :.





Friends (currently)

Mali - Taught her a lot about Estorrian technology and how phones work.
Sizzy - Comedian partner, they always get along and work together to make the world have a laugh or two!

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Very skilled in pranking people.
Peaceful or violent? Honestly depends on his mood.
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.

-Chaos Magic-
Dizzy is capable of altering reality in many ways and manipulate the laws of nature and the physics of the world via his chaos magic. It can also erase the magic of others for a very short amount of time

Dizzy has a small pair of wings he can use to properly fly.

.: Fears :.

Dizzy has developed an intense fear of making mistakes.

.: Health :.

-Compressed Abilities-
Due to the overwhelming amount of powers in Dizzy's body and unable to keep it all contained. It can seep through, accidentally causing chaos wherever he goes. However, thankfully he’s starting to control these outbursts.

.: History :.



He currently works with Sizzy, the two of them are a comedic duo who travel all over Estorra performing shows.

.: Other Details :.
