
.: Overview :.

Kippit is a very straightforward, frog-like stick figure who speaks their mind no matter what. Despite this, she is a very nice and fun person to be around. She has a boat rental shop on the docks of Celius City, hoping one day to travel the world with her boats.  She is able to do anything a frog can, such as cling to walls Stretch her tongue out, camouflage, stick to walls, hop at very long distances, enhanced swimming abilities, and wash her stomach.

.: General Info :.

Name: Kippit Asui
Pronunciation: Kip-it Ah-sue-e
Nicknames: Froggy, Kippy, Kip
Age: 30
Birthday: February 29
Birthplace: Celius City 
Species: Stick Figure
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 4'8

.:Distinguishing features:.

She has frog-like features including big black beady eyes, lime green cheeks, and a long tongue that constantly sticks out of her mouth.

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: Celius Boardwalk Beach
Occupation: Boat shop owner
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Well known for her boat shop.

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Tsuyu Asui (MHA)
Language: Common
Other languages known: Frog
Style of speaking: Very blunt and straightforward, especially when talking about others.

.: Personality :.

Kippit is a very straightforward person who speaks their mind no matter what. Despite this, she is a very nice and fun person to be around.

Likes: Traveling, Swimming, Bugs, Writing, lollipops
Dislikes: Fire
Hobbies/past times: Fishing, Writing
Guilty pleasures: Being pet, eating bugs
Personal goals: To travel and explore the world
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Kippit is smarter than she looks.
General sociability: Very blunt, yet very good at holding a conversation

.: Relationships :.


She has 30 other siblings, Kippit being one of the older siblings.


None atm

Friends (currently)

Kelps - Thinks he's adorable, while she knows he has a crush on her, she treats him like her own child.
Viko - Always curious what new treasures Viko has to show her.
Piper - Protective of her whenever something happens.
Meri - Curious about his abilities and what he's like, she's only gotten glimpses of him.

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, being able to swim very fast and far, especially underwater.
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: None (besides her tongue) 

.: Abilities :.

She can do anything a frog can which includes:

Stretching her tongue out, camouflaging, sticking to walls, hopping at very long distances, enhanced swimming abilities, and washing her stomach.

.: Fears :.

Kippit has a fear of fire

.: Health :.

Kippit is perfectly healthy!

.: History :.

As a child she had to take care of most of her siblings, being one of the more responsible ones. However, once they all grew up and left Celius to pursue their own dreams, leaving Kippit to watch over their docks.

She has a boat rental shop on the docks of Celius City, hoping one day to travel the world with her boats

.: Other Details :.

- She has her tongue out 24/7
- When she croaks, her green cheeks move in and out.
- She is based on a glass frog

.: Appearances / Cameos :.

1. Frog Art Fight Attack 2021