Simon "Sin" Sinnema



3 years, 9 months ago


Name Simon Sinnema
Age 28
Object Thermostat
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Pianist
Basic Info

Hot-tempered. Aggressive. Reckless.
"Insult my music again and you'll find yourself in some real hot fucking water, pal."
What are objectoids?


Sin works as a pianist at the Clockwork Bar. Despite his temper and quickness to violence, Mikhail hired him for the bar and, apart from occasionally having to throw him out for starting bar fights, has been very patient and lenient with him. His ability makes him a rather popular person to hang around in both the hot summer afternoons and the cold winter mornings, but because of this, Sin is more accustomed to people using him than people befriending him. He also uses his ability in fights, and isn't particularly averse to pushing himself past them in order to win if need be. He keeps a mercury thermometer in his mouth like a cigarette to monitor his own temperature. Despite his rough personality, Sin's music is dark and rich, and he has the skill to be a very successful musician. He can play various genres, although he prefers jazz and swing. He can usually be seen either writing tunes on bits of paper or napkins, or sitting at the upright piano on tha small raised platform in the bar. He doesn't have a lot of friends, but playing music with him is the fastest way to gain his respect. He is very skilled at improvising, and if he sees that you are skilled as well, he wouldn't mind accompanying you (provided you can keep up with him). Should anyone heckle him, however, he will not hesitate to break his wooden stool over their head.


  • Knows all the nurses at the local hospital.
  • Never holds a grudge for more than a day.
  • Knows how to tune a piano by ear.
  • Has a teenage sister who uses him to intimidate boys.
  • Would fight God for looking at him funny.
  • Terrible driver.
  • Surprisingly good at cooking.
  • Has been to Hell and was not impressed.


  • Spicy foods
  • Jazz
  • Whiskey
  • Clear weather


  • Humidity
  • Fish
  • Violins
  • Rude people

Hair color Brown
Eye color Pale green
Height 5'10
Nationality American
Body shape Lean
Clothing style Business casual
Object type Tool
Power type Greater

Mods and Ability

Sin's ability allows him to control the temperature in the room he currently occupies, or within a 20 foot radius of himself if he is outside. He has a thermostat screen on his throat that displays this temperature. His ability comes with a rather fatal drawback: changing the temperature up or down too much for an extended period of time results in a dangerous fever, hypothermia, and/or a severely compromised immune system.



In his youth, Sin has taken many trips to the hospital for pushing past his limits. Since then, his upper and lower limits have improved, but there are still times he finds himself approaching death's door and having to be rushed to the ER. Sin graduated high school by the skin of his teeth and entered university on a music scholarship, where he pursued a career in classical music. His temperment made him too difficult to work with in an ensemle setting, however, and he quickly became blacklisted from every orchestra and ensemble on the west coast. He has been known to throw things at accompanists when they mess up, and shout at conductors for not keeping time properly.

Now, Sin plays at the Clockwork Bar, the only place in town that will hirehim. He's able to work there because the owner and bartender, Mikhail, is capable of keeping him in line through brute force and threatening to fire him. Sin also spends a god portion of his time fighting Atlas's fights for him.



Best Friend

Sin has been friends with Atlas since high school. Sin protects Atlas from getting his face kicked in, and in return, Atlas often comes and buys him drinks, much to Mikhail's dismay.



Sin is friends with Hushpuppy, although he would never admit it. Sin recognizes his talent as a fellow pianist, and is irritated that Hushpuppy finds no interest in playing.



He is friends with Mikhail, the barkeeper and owner, as well as the waitress, Melody, and her son who comes around after school sometimes.



Quill is Sin's primary doctor that he is treated by whenever he ends up putting himself in the hospital.



Sin knows Theo as the local teddy bear detective who is suspiciously good at obtaining video evidence.