Theodore Verity



4 years, 1 month ago


Name Theodore Verity
Age 34
Object Nanny Cam
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Private Detective
Basic Info

Observant. Secretive. Dedicated.
"I could fill a book with the things you don't know about me."
What are objectoids?


Theo has lived most of his life with people assuming he was a teddy bear objectoid, and he has long since stopped trying to correct them. Now, he finds keeping his true ability secret gives him an advantage. Theo is easily irritable and something of a workaholic. He keeps a seeing-eye dog named Farley, which he claims helps sniff out clues and evidence. It is difficult for him to sleep when he has cameras out because he can't turn off that vision, so there are often nights where he gets no sleep.


  • Will fight you if you call him "Teddy."
  • Secretly has a huge weakness for sweets, but will never admit it.
  • Listens to classical music when he's stressed.
  • Drinks coffee like water.
  • Easily blends into a crowd.
  • Very good at sensing when someone is hiding something.
  • Has a near perfect memory.
  • Hides his gray eyes under colored contacts or sunglasses.


  • Chinese food
  • Spying
  • Children
  • Poker


  • Hot weather
  • Being looked down on
  • Surprises
  • Being watched

Hair color Brown
Eye color Honey
Height 5'04
Nationality Canadian
Body shape Petite
Clothing style Casual, nondescript
Object type Device
Power type Greater

Mods and Ability

Theo can plant "cameras" on objects by touching them. When he plants a camera, one of his eyes will turn gray, and he will be able to see from the spot he touched out of that eye. This means he can only have two cameras out at a time. He has teddy bear ears on top of his head, which he always keeps hidden under a beanie, and a small fuzzy brown tail kept tucked in his pants. Theo keeps Farley with him for when he can no longer see in front of him.



When he was younger, Theo dreamed of becoming a police detective. He went through the police academy and even became an officer in New York for a short while, but his colleagues made it very clear that objectoids were not welcome on the force. Upon quitting his job, Theo decided to become a private investigator instead, and opened up his own investigation agency in San Francisco.

Theo now works as a P.I. specializing in objectoid cases, and despite their unwillingness to accept him as an officer, the San Francisco police department often relies on his detective skills as a consultant. He is currently on the hunt for a dangerous serial killer who recently resurfaced in San Francisco. Although he has no specific client, he feels a strong determination to catch the killer bcause he was assigned a very similar case in New York and failed to resolve it. He is certain this is the same killer, and wants to finish what he started, and the SFPD - although they won't admit it - is grateful for his help. He believes the killer is an objectoid with large blunt object mods, which he uses to blugeon his victims' heads. He's not sure of the pattern of killing yet, but it doesn't seem to be entirely random...




While he typically goes by "Jack," Theo is very particular about names. He claims that names define how people see you, and "Jack Locke" is not a name suitable for a detective. Instead, Theo refers to Jack as either "Jonathan" or "Jon."



The two of them have a complicated relationship. They've known each other since high school, and have taken on many roles in their relationship, includint friends, enemies, and partners. Currently, they're rivals, with Finlo running a rival detective agency, although they occasionally work together on difficult cases.


Younger sibling

Douglas was introduced to several law enforcement contacts through Theo. The two of them are very close, and keep no secrets from each other.



Sorrel sometimes helps Theo on cases, and the two of them have become good friends. Theo sometimes visits Sorrel for tea.



Quill usually treats Theo when he gets injured, and is one of the only people who knows Theo's true object.



Theo finds Atlas and Teetza both to be valuable sources of information for the goings on in the streets of Toy Town.



Theo is aware of Jack's past history with Haywire, and is wary that the criminal might not accept Jack's career change.