The Carrier



3 years, 8 months ago



Food: ○○○○|○○○○

Age: Adult

Species: Slugcat

Profile: The Carrier is a purposed organism designed to be a messenger. Their large cheeks can hold multiple items at a time, the most important of which being pearls. Other augments to it, including the Mark of Communication, allow it to understand tasks given to it as well as read the pearls it has in their possession. Although they have since lost communication with their iterator, they still try to enact their purpose by seeking out abandoned pearls and delivering them to anyone who will take them. As a result The Carrier has formed some kind of positive bond with several scavenger groups as they are just about the only creature who will readily accept The Carrier's deliveries. 

Personality: While The Carrier is seemingly neutral towards just about everything, the one thing that they can't stand is creatures getting in the way of their deliveries. Vultures especially seem to be the bane of its existence as they make dangerous roadblocks and are annoying to get off your trail once they're on it. Even non-living things seem to test its patience- if you were to ever be in a shelter with The Carrier the only thing you would be able to hear would be the anxious pitter-patter of feet waiting to be back on the road.