Inevitable Spring Tide



3 years, 5 months ago


a rough-and-tumble gremlin of a woman when on her own or with people she's very comfortable with, though she becomes downright timid and shy when around people she's unfamiliar with, inevitable spring tide was the first of crimson's kids to light up and force him to grapple with his prejudices against deebs (she is not the oldest, even if many of her siblings are now grandparents, but she was among the first six he adoptnapped). she doesn't hold it against him--she was 21 when she finally exalted (abnormally late, which is a cause of quiet concern for her and everyone around her), and knew very well why he was twitchy after it--but even if he stomped it out pretty quickly because he loved her she'd be lying if she said the first few times the first father she knew flinched in her presence didn't hurt, a lot.

she spends most of her time on adventures driven by the internal churning of her essence; sitting in one place for long is genuinely uncomfortable to her, even three decades on. she takes full advantage of her existence being legal where her father's is not to occasionally act as an envoy between him and places outside his immediate zone of influence.

her latest adventure ended in an extremely unusual turn: she found a new-exalted lunar in the wyld-warped ruins of a village invaded by fae, sobbing in front of the mangled remains of what was a fairy of some sort, and when she offered to take them to someone who might be able to teach them how to enact their vengeance more fully they agreed.

appearance-wise, she has pale, neutral-undertoned skin with black eyes and short black hair. she's tall, muscular, and generally looks like she could deadlift a wagon with ease (she supports this by being an inhuman vacuum cleaner of food). she looks much younger than her actual age of 55 years. she generally wears clothing that is simple and practical. armor business cas. she has a fair bit of minor scarring from childhood misadventure (though she has yet to take an injury severe enough to scar as an adult).