Shadoweater Nergui



3 years, 4 months ago



A genderfluid Changing Moon with a raiton spirit-shape, Nergui is clever and affable, with a tongue like an obsidian blade when they choose to use it. They mostly act as a messenger between various Lunar territories in the region, and have earned a great deal of respect for the speed and reliability of their work for the Silver Pact in the forty years they've been at it (a fairly small portion of their life; theyre over 300).

Her current personal project is convincing Crimson to at least be less aggressive in his rejection of the Pact; the best she's managed is getting him to tolerate her, specifically, staying for short periods. It's a source of frustration to her; his knowledge would be a great boon for the Pact, but Claw so thoroughly poisoned that well that she knows that it will likely take decades more before Crimson changes his mind. She hasn't been actively discouraged from this goal, but nobody has encouraged her either; it's a purely personal goal, because she genuinely likes Crimson and is afraid that the longer he remains on his own the more likely he is to be killed by something he lacked the ability to anticipate.

While they act mostly as a messenger, when they have the chance they also act as a spy and, infrequently, an assassin. More than a few attempts by the local hegemons to press into Lunar zones of influence have been ended by their knife, and they have a reputation as a dread killing beast that emerges from shadow. They're not that, but they are extremely good at sneaking and causing terror.

She's generally cheerful and hard to keep down. While she treats other's woes with the appropriate level of empathy, for her own she tends to downplay the effect it has on her. It's not a deliberate attempt to be tough, she's just learned to be extremely good at compartmentalizing while on the job so that she can keep moving. In her business, stopping for too long means death.

Nergui doesn't prefer any of their shapes terribly strongly, and often alters their human shape on a whim. When they want to ensure they're recognized (their Tell, a shadow like a raiton, not being obvious even by the standards of Tells), they take the shape of an average-height, androgynous human with slightly tan, neutral-toned skin and dark brown hair and eyes, roughly in their 30s.

She was not originally named Nergui; she has not buried her old name entirely so it's not a horrific offense to do so, but you would need to be very, very close to her before she'd let you call her "Sarangerel" without a stern warning to never do so again. It's a matter of intimacy more than anything; the last person who used that name with her was her mother, before she Exalted. You call her nameless, because it is too intimate to say her name.