Moonsilver Meiyun



3 years, 5 months ago


meiyun is the crimson mask's sole daughter by blood, though this has no social changes for her in terms of status in the Old Temple territory; crimson does not distinguish between child by adoption and child by birth (while outsiders may view her as particularly... lunar-y, that's more her being a teen wizard than anything). she is a sorcerer-in-training; she has been learning her father's methods since she was very young, as she was fascinated by the plont loreTM the second she was able to realize what was happening. she has learned a single spell, Virtuous Guardian of the Flame, during a period where she briefly apprenticed under another sorcerer in the region. she jokes that it's finally the one thing that can let her be on somewhat even footing in a fight with her brother (in practice, she has never cast it outside of when it's her turn to guard the settlement).

She and her identical twin, Tariq, both very strongly resemble their lunar father, but still possess some of their birth father's features (and he additionally jokes that the raptor-clawed feet the two have are from him, though it is actually the one physical sign that they are moontouched and he only became a beastman after they were born). meiyun has medium-length, curly black hair that she alternates between keeping in braids, puffs, and a loose afro as the whim takes her. her hair is less densely curled than crimson's, though not by much. her eyes are large and a very dark brown, like crimson's original eyes were. she's very baby-faced and looks younger than her 16 years. she cannot wear shoes due to how her feet are shaped.

she can speak to and understand animals of all kinds and has since infancy. she mostly speaks to birds and the various livestock kept by the settlement and has the best ability to understand their desires. Not to say she can't understand other kinds of animals--her ability is not limited by species--but rather that those are the animals she is most used to and has the easiest time reading.

she has a potent gremlin streak to her, which baffles everyone but crimson and his husbands, who all immediately recognize it as "oh god. this must have been what crimson was like when he was younger."/"ah. this must've been how my parents felt (do not encourage her. yet.)". her antics are pretty harmless, so it's a total nonissue within her father's territory, though it does cause issues when she travels outside of it.

She has ADHD, though she for obvious reasons doesn't call it that. for her it mostly externally manifests as hyperactivity, poor impulse control, and extremely fast speech; the more casual social expectations and high physicality of life in and around The Old Temple suits her quite well, and she struggles greatly when living in other places beyond what would be expected from culture shock.