


2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Stray (technically nameless)

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Domestic Cat

Favorite Food: Fancy Feast

Element: None

Powers: The power to sleep 20 hours a day

Catch Phrase: "Nya?"

Likes: Fancy Feast, long naps, string, catnip, shiny things, and back scratches.

Dislikes: Loud noises, water, snakes, scary aliens, vegetables, and snow.

Personality: Stray is very wide-eyed and curious. He enjoys discovering new things, and can find enjoyment in even the simplest of things, such as a ball of string. He's also very lazy and enjoys a nice nap. He's very naive, such as not even knowing about the concept of having a name until being asked to introduce himself. After learning about the scary aliens that have been around him all along, Stray becomes much more jumpy and fearful, much like a true scaredy-cat.

Home: Unnamed Earth-like Planet (currently lives on Nui's spaceship)

History: Unlike most of the semi-super-powered creatures in Animals, Stray is a regular domestic cat with the ability to talk and think slightly deeper than the average cat (although the special collar he wears might be the cause of that...). Sometime before his debut in the story, he was abducted from an Earth-like planet into Nui's spaceship. He took it all in stride in though, as his strange captors seemed to give him the canned cat food he loved, so no point in questioning it, right? That's what Stray thought until once day the main characters snuck onto the ship to find out Nui's true plans. The strange new creatures Stray met left him with a number of questions; most confusingly he realized he didn't have a name. He then learned, much to his horror, that his captor(s?) weren't a human and a rabbit, but a carnivorous squid-like alien bent on galactic destruction. Now fearing that he might one day be "dinner", Stray begged them to help him, and began to tag along with the main characters during the very final stretch of the story.

Current-Bio: Stray currently tags along with the main characters. Since he lacks a true name, the other characters usually refer to him as "Stray". He usually expresses amazement at the events and technology before him. He also begins to wonder what he wants his name to be...

Meta-History: Stray was created sometime in 2014. His role in the story is still the same as it was then, as I haven't made any big changes since then. As for the name he goes by in the end, I'm a bit undecided. For now, it's a secret.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Nui: Stray used to look up to Nui and enjoy her company. He was unaware that she was both the human and rabbit that he's encountered on the spaceship, and was even more unaware that Nui is a Celedon alien. After learning  of this, he's much more afraid of her.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.