


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Mushroom

Series: Animals

Age: 27 (20 in the first story arc and 27 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Mushroom

Favorite Food: Watermelon

Element: Nature/Poison

Powers: The ability to release spores that make anyone that breaths them hallucinate.

Likes: Reading, science, exploration, and sunny days.

Dislikes: Being confused for a plant, being referred to as "Professhroom's son", illogical explanations, and dry locations.

Personality: Mushroom is a focused individual, more interested in science than much  else. However, he's fascinated by the rumors regarding the Ameritis Crystals and is more than happy to start including them in his research. He's often annoyed by Swirly's more energetic and less cautious behavior, but finds himself looking out for her as their adventure continues.

Home: Animal Planet

History: In his youth, Mushroom idolized the famous Professor Mushroom (usually shortened as  Professhroom) and dreamed of becoming a scientist like him. Eventually this dream became a reality when Mushroom landed the job as Professhroom's student and assistant. While out on a field expedition he crossed paths with Swirly, and joined her on her adventure to find the mysterious Ameritis Crystals.

Current-Bio: When he's not working directly as Professhroom's assistant, Mushroom joins Swirly on adventures with exposition and knowledge. Since he is not a fighter, he can't do much other than explain things.

Meta-History: Mushroom was directly inspired by the Mario power-up mushroom, which his original design was almost identical to. I later re-designed him to look more like a real mushroom, albeit a cartoonish one. Character-wise he was inspired by Mario's Goomba companions from the first two Paper Mario games, but instead of being a fighter his character is derived from the tattle ability Goombario and Goombella had. Mushroom's role in the story hasn't changed much over the years, being Professhroom's assistant and exposition for Swirly and friends.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Swirly: Mushroom and Swirly work together to investigate the Ameritis Crystals. They're known to get on each others nerves, but they look out for each other. Mushroom comes to rely on Swirly when the situation calls for fighting.

Sketches: Mushroom gets along well with Sketches and is happy to share his information and research with him.

Lightning: Mushroom doesn't always get along with Lightning since the latter doesn't always listen to him, but they look out for each other.

Eggy: Mushroom tends to think that Eggy listens to everything he says and is eager to learn, but Eggy doesn't listen as much as he thinks. Mushroom sometimes worries that Swirly (and Lightning to an extend) are bad influences on the young dragon.

Professhroom: Mushroom is Professhroom's assistant, and idolized him in his youth.  While Mushroom still looks up to Professhroom, he's now a little annoyed by the professor's occasional bursts of weird statements (including a strange one where he insists Mushroom is his son).

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.