The Silver Crusade


【Zeracorn Herd】

“For nothing is truly complete until the day it is finally destroyed.”


Krigsgaldr - Heilung


The Silver Crusade is a herd of unicorns who have come together through mutual tragedy. In one way or another, these unicorns have lost someone dear to the claws and fangs of nightmarish creatures beyond imagination. Whether to seek comfort in kindred spirits or find an outlet for their grief and rage, the Crusade was formed to support others who have gone through the unimaginable and hunt down the monsters responsible for carnage and loss. Warriors, healers, and experts make up this herd and they will stop at nothing to see their vengeance fulfilled.

Inspired by franchises such as the Witcher and Castlevania, the Silver Crusade has dark themes related to monsters, death, and violence.


What am I supposed to do

If I want to talk about peace and understanding

But you only understand the language of the sword?

What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall

But you only understand the language of the sword

What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace

But you only understand the language of the sword

I let the blade do the talking

So my tongue shall become iron and my words the mighty roar of war

Revealing my divine anger's arrow shall strike

All action for the good of all, I see my reflection in your eyes

But my new age has just begun, the sword is soft

In the fire of the furnace, it hungers to be hit

And wants to have a hundred sisters

In the coldest state of their existence

They may dance the maddest in the morass of the red rain

Beloved brother enemy, I sing my sword song for you

The lullaby of obliteration

So I can wake up with a smile

And bliss in my heart and bliss in my heart and bliss in my heart...


The Silver Crusade is a slowly-growing herd of unicorns who have gone through the unimaginable. From violent possessions to the bloodiest slaughters, these horses have seen horrors the likes of which many have never known. Whether it be out of a desire for vengeance, need for support, or the will to spare others from meeting similar fates, members of the Crusade vow to hunt and slay monsters from the deepest pits of the underworld.

New members of the herd, known as Fledglings, are tested through the Rites of the Scourge. The rites have these new members face some sort of minor monster alongside a more experienced member of the herd to test their courage and ability to think quickly and act under pressure. Those who turn and flee at the first sign of danger or panic at first blood are rejected from the herd's ranks. While they're allowed to remain for a little while for the emotional support and mutual understanding, they typically will leave the herd after they have had time to heal. The Crusade is nomadic and seek out evils to vanquish and this lifestyle does not suit the squeamish and weak of heart.


The Crusade is organized into ranks that, rather than being based on hierarchy, sort its members into jobs. The herd was formed to hunt monsters, certainly, but a group of warriors is nothing without people to direct them and people to heal them. Each member is tested to see where their skillset is best allocated and will be trained by a more experienced member of that profession.


Legionnaires form the bulk of the herd. These unicorns are warriors with fire in their blood; they seek to destroy the evils lurking in the shadows with brute force. While their magic may not always be combat-oriented, they have trained their bodies in the art of war and know how to fight with tooth and hoof— legionnaires know that even if their magic won’t help them fell a beast, their horn is still a weapon worth using.


Tacticians are the next largest rank in the herd. Spies, scouts, and strategists, the tacticians use information gathered to guide legionnaires in their strikes against enemy forces. Hardier and skilled tacticians sometimes form the rear of attacking platoons, using magic to help support the legionnaires in battle.


Alchemists are masters of synthesis, brewing, and medicine. Using raw materials harvested from the land and corpses of enemies, they function as doctors and scientists. Alchemists are first and foremost trained in medicine— the herd has no shortage of injuries and these horses keep the group afloat. Some alchemists take on specialties such as potion-making, enchantments, mixes, or sometimes even smithing, but all possess medical knowledge.


Fledglings are recruits inducted into the Crusade. Each fledgling will be tested on their skills to see where they would best fare before performing the Rites of the Scourge. After proving their iron will to the herd, the fledgling will be placed in a profession and communally mentored. The fledgling rank is made up of unicorns of all ages— adults joining the herd all must go through an apprenticeship just as foals born into the herd do.


Technically the largest group in the herd, but on a unofficial level. Refugees are not necessarily Crusaders— while they may choose to become a full member of the herd later, the refugees are all considered outsiders or guests. Refugees come into the care of the Crusade typically after a herd’s extinction or some sort of tragedy. Unicorns who have suffered great injuries from monsters or those who have suffered the trauma of herd annihilation will follow the Crusade as a support group of sorts. While the Crusade is heavily based on action, vengeance, and is constantly on the move, they dedicate a lot of their time to helping those who have suffered similar fates. Most refugees will leave the Crusade to find their own way once they have healed enough to move on.




The stoic leader of the Crusade. While kind and welcoming to his herd, he is known to be stern and serious.




A serious older mare, Jorunn acts as the general for the herd and Vlad's second in command. Jorunn has seen many battles and many heartaches, and it is said that her heart has grown cold. In truth, she has a great amount of fear for her herd and wants to keep them safe.




The quiet and stoic leader of the Tacticians. Caliban believes himself to be blessed by a nameless God with the power of shadow-walking. His title is Nightwalker-- one which he holds with great pride.




An older mare with a dry wit. As leader of the Alchemists, she's a skilled healer-- though her beside manner could use some work.








A cocky and arrogant scout with a penchant for getting into trouble. He specializes in tracking and navigation. Despite his troublesome behavior, he is extremely reliable.




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A member of the Silver Crusade.


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Code by Aurorean

cats cat arpg warriors warrior cats dracostryx tekishozen mystery dungeon Pokemon dragon kitzenkoshi feline boucle unicorn unicorn ttrpg Tekishozen dnd kitzen felines cyberpunk