The Nullax Region

The Nullax region is a place filled with wacky-ass pokémon that learnt how to behave like humans. Some of these pokémon work jobs alongside with human, others willingly choose to be with trainers to become battle pokémon. The majority of the pokémon and humans in the stories below just live whatever life they want to live.

Most psychic pokémon species are native to this region and are the most common kinds of pokémon to be found in Nullax. An interesting trait of the pokemon there is that most of them speak english with a mix between unovan(americian) and galarian(british) slang.

Due to all species of pokemon now being capable having of human or near-human sentience, the meat used in this region is plant-based.

There are a small handful of regional variants and only, like, three fakemons(all are made in a laboratory as super soldiers for a potential war).

Locations in Nullax:

  • Wishbone Valley: a place inhabited by a surprising amount of ice types. Continuing forward through it will eventually get you to Southeast Nullax.
  • Wishbone Lake: a large lake located in the middle of Wishbone Valley. Many, rare species of water type pokemon can be found there.
  • The Golden Wheatfields: A field of wheat that maintains its lovely colour even during winter. There’s also a bench and a sign indicating a transport vehicle of sorts that regularly goes to this location. 
  • Southwest Nullax: a grassy plain with small flowers and no actual name. Continuing west there it gets you to The Golden Wheatfields. Sometimes, it's called ‘route 24’ for some reason.
  • Southeast Nullax: a grassy field with a hill that holds an open temple for the worship of Dialga. A shepherd and her family live in the temple, so it is sometimes overrun by mareep. Going from south there gets you to Wishpath Valley and going any further north from Southeast Nullax means that you’re lost. Also called 'route 48'.
  • Temple of Space and Time: The temple on top of the hill in Southeast Nullax. Despite its name, this is only for the worship of Dialga as time literally allowed the region to heal from its past. 
  • Spinebridge: Also known as Nullax Central, it is only major city in the region.
  • Almighty Mountain Pass: the path that leads to the Almighty Peak, the highest mountain in Nullax.
  • The Almighty Peak: where the legendary pokemon of Nullax that are capable of flight live.
  • [More locations coming soon]