Myrios Series

The MYRIOS SERIES is a series of three books following protagonist Kori Omoide as she discovers the secrets of the company that runs the technologically advanced city of Myrios.


Kori Omoide owns a coffee shop in Myrios, a technologically advanced city created by a group named Ares. However, when a mysterious toxin spreads through this new city, killing thousands of people, the blame falls on a mysterious masked boy by the name of Phantom. Phantom knows things about Kori's past that even she can't recall, and she knows that Phantom isn't guilty. Kori goes undercover to work for Ares to clear Phantom's name, where she meets a boy created in one of their experiments. Torn between her desire to protect him, but desperate to find out all he knows about Ares and the toxin, she gets caught between her new job and the realization that the experiment boy could be the secret to curing the toxin, but also the very reason that Ares wished to keep it a secret for so long. Can Kori clear Phantom's name, and in doing so, will she be able to avoid getting poisoned? Or will she put her life in Myrios at risk just to uncover the truth about the toxin and the experiment boy?


Shortly after Kori Omoide uncovers the secret of the toxin that plagued the advanced city of Myrios, tensions arise between herself and the new leader of Phantom’s former followers. Kori wishes to protect the experiment cyborg at the heart of the trouble, while the new leader seeks to condemn him for his role in the harm that came from his creation. When Kori confronts the unusually familiar leader, she’s left with false memories, and she must find a way to remove them before she loses herself to them. However, with the leader being a goddess from the strange homeland she knows little about, and that homeland bringing unusual changes to her body, can she fix her memories before it brings danger to herself or the experiment cyborg, or will she lose everything trying? 

When the disappearance of Phecda Shioto brings an unexpected visitor to Kori Omoide’s doorstep, she finally learns the truth behind the mysterious homeland that stripped her of her memories years before. Determined to travel to this land and bring him back, but knowing her banishment would bring complications if she was discovered, she plans to go to the land of Curiah as Marun Ookami, the persona she created when she first went undercover at Ares a year before. However, the discovery of a third cyborg brings revelations about a final project that could bring the threat of Ares closer than ever to the Floor Nine team that Marun worked for, and could destroy his chance to save Phecda. With only limited time before the next coronation that will take Phecda from her forever, can Kori contend with dangers in both a faraway land and far too close to home?

Adult Character Myrios Series Of Spark and Cats The Peculiar Brass Suit dragon Curian humanoid Experiment Ares Protagonist Cafe Finished Profile profile Crystal Cursed references Not Characters Northern Curiah Floor Nine Arlot Family