hitodama's Bulletins


Posted 6 years, 4 months ago by hitodama

I haven't posted a new character pondering for a long while, it seems. There's not really any partiucular reason for that, I've just been busy doing other things. But as I just watched a Youtube video about D&D character alignments, I got an inspiration to ponder if I can pinpoint what is the alignment of my characters.

As there are many ways to interpret alignments, here's first of all what I roughly mean by them:

  • Lawful - neutral - chaotic -scale measures how much the person respects the rules of the society they live in
  • Good - neutral - evil -scale measures how much the person cares if their actions hurt others. 

So here we go! =D

  • Aamunkajo - Lawful good
  • Aelian - Neutral good
  • Alora - Chaotic good/Chaotic evil (The latter one was when she was under the effect of her custom Poké ball.)
  • Andele - Lawful good
  • Ardante - Lawful good
  • Arrede - Lawful neutral
  • Auer - Neutral good
  • Balreketsuuli - Chaotic evil
  • Bron - Neutral good
  • Calypso - Neutral good
  • Caramel - Chaotic neutral
  • Carran - Lawful good
  • Caspar - Lawful good
  • Chrii - Neutral good
  • Ciza'ar - Neutral good
  • Cuuti - Chaotic good
  • Darjeth - Lawful good
  • Davraseen - Lawful neutral
  • Diego - Neutral evil
  • Dream - Chaotic evil
  • Eidiel - Neutral good
  • Emini - Neutral good
  • Faaketsuuli - Neutral evil
  • Hitodama - Neutral good
  • Hitoko - Chaotic neutral
  • Horan - Lawful neutral
  • Ikaros - Chaotic evil
  • Illia - Neutral good
  • Innas - Neutral good
  • Jade - Chaotic good
  • Jera - Chaotic neutral
  • Jerico - Chaotic evil
  • Jiieketsuuli - Chaotic neutral
  • Lachancet - Lawful neutral
  • Lance - Neutral good
  • Leonard - Chaotic neutral
  • Lienn - Neutral good
  • Lujoriketsuuli - Lawful neutral
  • Madara - Chaotic good
  • Marus - Chaotic good
  • Micah - Lawful evil
  • Mirach - Lawful good
  • Miranda - Neutral good
  • Musareketsuuli - True neutral
  • N'sereketsuuli - Lawful neutral
  • Nadeera - Lawful good
  • Naemi - True neutral
  • Näkki - Chaotic neutral
  • Nightblade - Chaotic neutral
  • Norah - Neutral evil
  • Okothar - True neutral
  • Othello - Chaotic good
  • Pohjantähti - Neutral good
  • Prina - Chaotic neutral
  • Qadaketsuuli - Lawful neutral
  • Quillan - Neutral evil
  • Rain - Chaotic neutral
  • Ratarea - Chaotic neutral
  • Reliam - Chaotic neutral
  • Sevens - Lawful good
  • Rumble - Chaotic evil
  • Saga - Neutral good
  • Samir - Lawful good
  • Mirada - Lawful evil
  • Saramu - Lawful good
  • Sareketsuuli - True neutral
  • Serafi - Neutral evil
  • Shumiketsuuli - Neutral good
  • Sinierevel - Chaotic evil
  • Sinisuomu - Chaotic good
  • Sofia - Lawful good
  • Elsie - Chaotic neutral
  • Susi - Lawful neutral
  • Tale Tail - Neutral good
  • Weary - True neutral
  • Theala - Chaotic neutral
  • Tombo - Neutral good
  • Zésira - Neutral evil
  • Tuiske - Neutral good
  • Tuuli - Lawful neutral
  • Tverdiketsuuli - Lawful neutral
  • Uppo - Chaotic neutral
  • Valva - Lawful evil
  • Veeti - Chaotic good
  • Vercere - Lawful good
  • Vidia - Chaotic neutral
  • Sumu - Chaotic neutral
  • Zedass - Lawful neutral
  • Zel - Neutral good
  • Zephyr - Neutral evil


Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by hitodama

I love figuring out names for characters. It can be painfully difficult sometimes, sure, but in the end also very satisfying. The name can also give off a certain sort of vibe even if you knew nothing else about the character, especially if the name is pretty unique and the person hearing it hasn't seen it used anywhere else before. Names like Jack and James have their purposes, but I more often than not tend to dislike that sort of generic names in characters, because I already have a pre-existing memories about things associated with those names and therefore have hard time attaching them to new characters and actually remembering the name in this new context.

But enough blabbering about that; what I actually was interested in hearing today was if YOU get any sort of vibes from some of the names I've used with my characters. Here's a list of some of them with names that I have thought through pretty carefully. They have links to their introduction pages in case you want to get a glance of their appearance, too, but please don't read the texts before typing out your first impression. Also don't worry if your impression differs totally from mine - there isn't a right or wrong answer to this sort of things! I am just curious and would be endlessly grateful even if you could throw me one or two words about a single name. =)

So here they are:


Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by hitodama

Only in Finnish this time.

Tulipas tässä tehtyä sellainen huomio, että olen aika tehokkaasti ignorannut kokonaan yhden Toyhou.sen ominaisuuksista: maailmat, eli Worlds niin kuin se tuolla valikossa lukee. Sitä hetken aikaa nyt tökittyäni tein ihan kokeilumielessä ryhmän vanhan Andriaana-roolipelin hahmoille, koska olisi kieltämättä hauska saada kaikki tälle sivustolle kertyneet andrihahmot yhteen läjään. Jos siis yhtään huvittaa, niin tänne saa ihan vapaasti ropeen liittyneitä hahmojaan heitellä: http://toyhou.se/~world/12191.andriaana


Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by hitodama

Oh my god, I can't believe I literally spent the whole day going through my characters and fixing their messed up text formatting as well as deleting all the extra copies of gallery pictures (as you now need only one of them with the ability to tag multiple characters to one picture). It was easily the most tedious task in ages! My brain feels like a mush, ahhahah.

But hey, if you know you have that sort of art in your galleries where my character is shown and you want me to tag my characters to those pictures and delete my own copies, please just tell me and I'll do that! Also if you ever want to use any art on my account the same way, feel free to do so.


Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by hitodama

The new update - more positive or negative to you?

4 Votes Positive
1 Votes Negative

Hmm, some interesting changes have been recently made to this site, it seems. Just for my own funzies I'll list the things I personally do and don't like about it.


  • You can now fave and comment gallery pictures! This is a great thing, I think. Though you must turn it on manually in your settings, so remember to do that if you are interested in it.
  • You can make polls! This is a great thing, too. In fact I think I'll try out the feature with this post just to see how it works.
  • You can bumb a forum thread without writing a message to it. That is a small but really nice improvement!
  • You can make several characters share a single gallery picture, so there's no need to upload a same picture multiple times anymore. Takes a lot of energy to arrange the old pictures that way, yeah, but for new images that is a good thing.


  • Some of the coding and text arranging has been messed up, but I guess that is something to be expected. For me the most annoying thing with this is how changing the paragraph format and using lists (like I am doing right here) does some funky things to the spacing between lines. I just hope this is some sort of bug and will be fixed eventually.
  • The areas of your profile pages can be rearranged, but only by premium members! Until now I've found pretty much all premium extra features to be reasonable, but this one I find really really disappointing. Personally I feel it should've been available for all users.
  • Tags of the character page are hidden by default and need to be clicked manually to be visible every time you visit the page. I don't find this a good decision and don't know why it won't be so that a user can decide which setting is the default one, tags hidden or tags visible.
  • To me the new main forum layout seems really messy. It is just a personal preference of course, but to me it doesn't even look like a forum at all.
  • When looking for example your own favorites, you no longer see who the characters belong to. Just... Why?

So all in all it's almost 50/50, but negatives still win. That's really sad, as some of the positive things are actually really nice! With some adjustments this would become perfect, but I'm afraid there's no change they will for example give the option of profile arrangement to everyone now that they have already decided to keep it just as a premium feature - and that bugs me honestly very much. That was the feature I previously was missing the most. =/


Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by hitodama

Continuing to explain some lore tidbits from Flight Rising, this time with the topic of...

Dress code of dragons

Most of the dragons of Seafoam clan are used to rather primitive lifestyle compared to many other clans of Sornieth. They very rarely (if ever) use actual clothes like shirts and pants and instead decorate themselves with a few selected accessories or wear things they use in their professions. The most notable exception is Horan who originates from a much more sophisticated clan. He is actually bothered a bit by the habit of being practically naked around other dragons.

But even a simple clan like Seafoam has some conventions regarding clothing. The most important mark to outsiders are Banners worn by Carran and her son Mirach: they are used only by the leaders of the clan, the ones who are responsible of the wellbeing of the clan and have most power over it, too. They are therefore the ones an outsider is expected to approach if they have some sort of business to deal with Seafoam clan.

While anyone living anywhere near the Seafoam clan likely knows about the conventions surrounding Banners, there are other habits that are specific to only this clan. One of them is wearing Bird Skulls, which is yet another mark of the leader. This is a bit more complex issue than the Banners, though:

  • Carran, the current leader, is the only one wearing a Bird Skull (Roc skull to be specific) on her head
  • Mirach and Rumble, the sons of Carran, are the only ones wearing Skulls tied to their wings
  • Marus, Tuuli and Tuiske are allowed to wear a few Skulls in a necklace because they were all helping when the clan was first formed.

There are a few hiccups in this arrangement. For example it is a bit shunned issue that Rumble is wearing as many Skull items as Mirach even though Rumble has made it clear he isn't interested in becoming a leader. Rumble just ignores this and wears the Skulls anyway. Also Marus would likely be allowed to wear more Skulls than he does as he is the mate of the current leader, but he doesn't want to do so as he likes being friends with everyone instead of being considered their superior.

On top of these conventions there are also a few others that don't really need long explanations:

  • Carran is wearing some apparel commonly related to Water Flight to make it clear what Flight Seafoam clan is serving
  • Davraseen is wearing (or more like has created it with magic) Diver Emblem to mark his devotion to gods and Tidelord in particular
  • The main coliseum team of Auer, Eidiel and Faelten are all wearing Filigree Banners as a mark of a soldier
  • Prina is wearing jewelry decorated with alchemical symbols as she is studying to become an alchemist.


Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by hitodama

Now that I have pretty much all of my even remotely relevant characters uploaded here, I wanna do something I was originally going to do in Tumblr, but it actually fits better to this site: ramble about lore. I might extend this to other character categories later but at least at first I'll talk about some Flight Rising stuff. The first theme will be...

Naming conventions of dragons

In my headcanon there are a few different ways a dragon can get their name:

  • the parents or guardians name the dragon as a hatchling (Arrede)
  • an event gives the dragon a name or a nickname (Tuiske)
  • the adult dragon chooses a name for themselves (Rumble).

Like in real life different dragons have different opinions about what is an acceptable name and a way to get a name. In Seafoam clan most of the dragons have pretty relaxed attitude towards the subject, but there are some exceptions. For example the leader Carran refuses to call her son Rumble and instead still uses his birth name Kyron. Nightblade's name is also so extravagant that it occasionally gets joked about among other dragons.

Even if dragons that haven't been born in Seafoam clan can have pretty much any sort of name, the dragons born in the clan tend to follow certain conventions with their names. The names usually don't mean anything themselves, but there is an often used suffix -n which roughly means "belowed" in Dragonic. It is used the same way as -son is used in Swedish last names like Svensson; using names like that is common but not mandatory and not having name end with -n isn't shunned. But what is shunned is using suffix -nn, which is sort of a mocking version of -n. No well-meaning parent who knows about this tradition would ever give their child a name ending with -nn, and as for example Lienn doesn't want to talk about it, one can only guess why she was given such a name.

The -n tradition is especially strong within Imperials of Seafoam clan, as so far every Imperial of the clan has a name ending with -n (Faelten, Davraseen, Aelian).


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by hitodama

Oh dear gods of writing! Honestly I didn't completely believe I would make it this far with this character bio writing project. But here I am: there's only one (large) category of characters to go and unlike most others they already have English bio texts ready, so it's just a matter of copypasting. So a small heads up for people following me, as I will likely spam your inboxes with them rather soon. After that, hmm... Dunno, I can always go back and improve some of the bios or even add some older characters I don't feel are quite as essential as the ones I've so far made available. We'll see - but before anything else I suspect I could use a little break from this and do something completely else for a while, haha.


Posted 7 years, 3 days ago by hitodama

Ughh this is the exact reason why I don't really rp anymore: whenever even a slight complication comes to my way I lose all my ability and willingness to write anything. That's why I haven't been adding any new characters lately. I don't even understand why, as I can for example draw even if I don't particularly feel like it and such, but writing - nope. I do try to force myself into it soon as it would bother me way too much to abandon this project now, but we'll see how that goes.


Posted 7 years, 14 days ago by hitodama

Stole a meme from Castra!

1) What is your name?
I use hitodama (with lower case h) and variations of it all around internet.

2) How old are you? Where are you from?
I'm old enough that I really need to think how old I actually am whenever someone asks, hahah. But yeah, 27 years and I'm from Finland.

3) When did you join Toyhouse?
Over two years ago. Roll offered me a code and I said why not, but I actually didn't really use the account until about a month ago.

4) How many characters do you have currently?
Apparently 45 right now, but I'm still adding new ones almost daily. Soon I'm done with Andriaana characters and I need to move on into Pokemon Unknown characters. There aren't as many of those, but I think at least Reliam requires a darn lot of writing. And some other ones need a proper piece of art.

5) Which is your favourite character?

I really don't know, but at least my mascot is very dear to me.

6) Oldest character?
I think Musareketsuuli, even though it did look a lot different back when I first sketched it out.

7) What is / are your favourite species?

I have no idea; tbh I haven't yet seen many I would be even interested in. Sevens is currently the only character I have adopted from someone and I am very interested in getting a Vetehi maybe someday, but other than that I don't have anything particular in mind. OH WAIT I do actually have one thing, but I'll talk about it later.

8) What do you look for in a design?
First of all, I'm incredibly picky with designs and it's darn rare to see me getting interested in something. What I'm looking for when thinking about adopting is something I think I couldn't have come up with myself. That's why I'm not interested in adoptable human or (usually) dog characters either: they aren't most of the time unique enough.

9) Favourite colour schemes?
Everything revolving around turquoise, but also blue and green.

10) Least favourite colours / themes? What don't you like?
I'm not a fan of neon colors or stuff like holiday themes (Christmas, Halloween etc).

11) What would your characters say about you?
They show how cheesy I am and how much I love imaginary epic drama. u__u Also they show how much I care about animals compared to humans.

12) How many of your characters have you designed yourself? Do you buy designs?
I haven't bought anything yet, but I'm not opposed to the idea if I just have enough money and find something I like. So far most of my characters are at least partially designed by me. There are some characters that are from pet sites like Neopets and Flight Rising, though, but even for them I have given personalities, drawn them in my style and such.

13) Dream species to own?
Kukuri. I would love to get into the arpg scene of dA, but so far the only one that inspires me even slightly is Kukuri. I might eventually seriously look into it, but so far I've had so much other stuff to do that I haven't had time and energy to wrap my head around all the vast amount of info the arpg has.

14) Have you ever traded away / sold a character?
I have given away some designs and character ideas, but not sold or traded anything.

15) Where do your character names originate from?

They just come from here and there. Sometimes coming up with a good name requires a lot of work, sometimes characters sort of name themselves and I have no word to say about it, hahah. I would like to make a post about this topic when I have most of my current characters added here.