While walking home in his home town of Larkspur, a young biologist by the name of Kei Katashi discovers that he is capable of clearly seeing and interacting with the ethereal, inter-dimensional beings known as Vyrms. With the help of his friends, Elsie Davidson, Chantelle Fletcher, Bernardo Reyes, and the enigmatic web-friend gl1tchmoths, he sets out to learn more about both the Vyrms and the set of dimensions- the greater Colorspaces and the lesser Domains- they live in and come from, and what this discovery means for humanity.

All things here are subject to possible change and/or movement. Everything that is not visible is currently unfinished to a degree that I do not want it to be visible publicly.

ok to draw Full Original Adopted Design Possibly Not Final Game Created Personal Favorites Recolor.me pokemon mlp flight rising full original steven universe Pending Rewrite minor lobcorp D Missing Humanoid Ref No Design no design meteos monster hunter