art tusslin'

Posted 10 months, 8 days ago by Poe Blackwood Isoprene

What Art Fight team are you on?

6 Votes Team Vampire! (+1)
4 Votes Team Werewolf!
0 Votes I'm gonna just be a spectator.
0 Votes I'm not sure yet!
1 Votes I'm not doing Art Fight.
0 Votes imagine drawing

hello gamers it is that time of year, early bird registration finally fuckin opened one (1) day before the event so i can at last embrace my inner desire to bite things and be a vampire. Let's Tussle:

i feel like i might be more active than usual bc i've discovered the life hack that if i have a tiny youtube video open it's easier for me to focus on drawing...? so i've been drawing almost every day trying to make some refs although i havent actually finished any as of posting. but. YOU KNOW. so ill probably have some new characters uploaded throughout the event lmao. rn i'm trying to get langelotte and justine up bc i mean, cmon, vampires vs werewolf, gotta upload on-theme am i right folks??

on the other hand july is a terrible time for art fight for me bc it's super hot so i don't want to do anything and i'm bad at being productive so perhaps i will only draw a small number of things. but you never know until you try my friends

oh yeah also attack my girlfriend and her extremely cute ocs:

In other news! Uhhhhhhhhhh I redid Poe's profile a bit recentlyish? So I guess I'll post IC with him since it's worth a reread if you've read it before! I should probably update it even more someday bc I didn't really get into his graduation which is kinda importantish, but that just means I'll be able to trick people into clicking on him again someday!!!

I think that's pretty much it. Not too much exciting stuff in Isoland, I haven't really been active since I am an old woman who is incapable of physically functioning after work these days lmao, so I mostly just turn into a puddle when I get home and haven't done much in the way of writing/ref-making/profilery aside from chipping away at two different profiles every now and then. I did actually write a story recently... but it has some RP spoilers so I won't be able to post it for who knows how long so rip. Dicro Figures It Out will just sit there at the top of my newest lits list forever, permanently making a really weird fuckin first impression for people who look at my profile, but would I truly have it any other way.......?????????

okay that's all for real now back to crying as i desperately try to add tags to art fight characters


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