Humilia Profile + some small updates!

Posted 6 months, 4 days ago by Humilia Isoprene

you are getting burgers w/ humilia where do you go

0 Votes mcdondal
0 Votes burgered king
0 Votes wendy
2 Votes more of a five guys/in-and-out/sonic kind of place you feel me?
1 Votes like an Actual restaurant with hq burgers. nothing but the best for miss humilia. and also me.
1 Votes i make us burgers because i am very fancy
0 Votes other (please comment with your burger opinions)

EDIT: on the off chance anyone is checking my profile wondering if i have died, i moved on to scorpius next and it's becoming even longer than humilia's profile. Help

(crawling out of the pit of my own words) Jesus Christ Fucking Help Me. i mean hello! welcome to my bulletin.

so you may be wondering "what the hell iso, weren't you gonna upload one profile per day, and here you are bringing me but one on the 4th day of november, what am i paying you for??" well first of all you aren't, bitch. and secondly if you click upon the profile in question and its remarkably satisfying id number, you will be confronted with the fact that there are way more than 1,667 words in that puppy. more than 6,667, even. i am three full days above par. this profile has at least 11,848 words in it. i am 1/5 of the way done with nanowrimo here on the 4th day.

SO yeah needless to say I decided it would kind of be rude to myself to only plop in 1,667 words for every profile I complete when I put WAY more work into profiles than that! I would much rather write 50k words worth of profiles than push myself to try and write 30 profiles in 30 days and burn out from inevitably failing that. So that's my plan now! I definitely feel a lot more energized now since for the first time NaNoWriMo feels genuinely achievable for me, and even if not then at least I'm working on bios! I imagine future ones will be shorter, of course, since I went for an absurdly meaty character first... but then again I always end up thinking that and then make every profile 1000000000 words long SO

Anyway! Humilia! She's a character whose popularity among my friends surprised me because she hasn't seen much RP action and I feel like I don't really talk about her much or post funny memes that I tag her in or w/e, but that becoming apparent + wanting to get the last of the Siderean Creators out of the way before getting furry in earnest made her a shoo in for first profile! Even more than that though was the fact that I actually already had the coding for her done and she was sitting around as an empty WIP profile for months, so I didn't have to waste time looking for backgrounds and picking out colors and what have you!

And now updates! They're all profile related!! Extremely observant Iso profile readers may notice some differences between this profile and the last one, Esva's, and I'd love to get feedback on them:

- The hovertext! I learned the magic of the abbr tag and started using that instead of making a tooltipster thing that I needed to make custom CSS for and that didn't even turn your mouse into a little guy with a question mark upon hovering!! I'm not sure if people prefer tooltipsters (which is preserved in the pronounciation section if you want to compare) or abbrs (all of the other hovertext in the profile), so I'd love feedback in this respect! Tooltipsters have bigger text and look cooler, but have transparent backgrounds and get kind of unwieldy for longer bits of hovertext. abbrs, meanwhile, have the cool hover thingy and will adapt with your browser and whatnot, but the text is smaller and less fancy. Also I dunno if either of them even work on mobile?? But I suppose my layout isn't all that mobile friendly, anyway...

- The music changed places! Before it was at the bottom of the Nav thing, but now it's hovering around in the bottom right corner of your screen! And it has hovertext now!! I was originally going to leave it in the same place as it was before, but doing that meant that if you hit play the tooltipster would forcibly stay active and it would always activate upward no matter what I tried, so it would block the Credits section which I didn't like! I dunno how people feel about it, though. Is it too awkwardly placed? Is it too small? Does it take too much space on mobile for the poor souls who struggle through my profiles on that?

- Changing where the music was left a gap in the Nav... so I made a flex space for future use! I dunno what I'm going to put there yet, but I didn't want to burn valuable NaNo time on figuring that out! I do have some ideas, though! I know some people have dedicated sections for forum posts and/or Q&A kind of things, which I actually used to do once upon a time! That could be fun seeing that I'd like to be more active after NaNo! But I remember it also being kind of a hassle feeling like I needed to edit things in every time and hoard every post I made for characters who didn't have that profile version yet.

Another idea was turning it into a game stats/equivalents thingy like in another old profile type, since I'm always associated with associating my donuts with other things! Kinda impressed those FEH hotlinks still work. Another was having a playlist tab, but my life struggle is that I associate every song in existence with like the same handful of OCs and everyone else is lucky if I deign to offer them scraps lmao, so there are certainly some where I could have a big meaty set of lyric snippets... and then a ton that would just be empty or have, like, one song, maybe.

But, I dunno! Would love to hear what fun bonus sections other people have for their characters, if there's anything pressing they feel like my bios are missing, etc.! Or if they prefer the music player where it used to be and thus the flex space would return to the void from whence it came!

- There's hovertext on some of the stats/ailments that aren't as traditional or obvious that explains what they do/are! I dunno if people think maybe they should all have hovertext for the sake of consistency or if they look fine as they are? Or if there's anything else in any tab where you think hovertext would be helpful!

- No more pictures in the Attributes tab oh no!! Well, technically this isn't an always kind of thing. But as mentioned last bulletin, my upcoming profiles will mostly be of characters who don't have a lot of art, dollmakers or otherwise, and some don't even have ironed out designs in my head despite how often I think of them! So it just doesn't make sense to force myself to try and figure out how to make 3 distinct pictures that all have distinct hovertext when I'm just kinda dealing with doodles at best and mostly just dollmakers that are seldom 1:1 and are sometimes more of a placeholder than anything!

I think that's it in regards to profile stuff! Not sure who I'll do next... was thinking about Astrid (En2rety Istra) because they're kind of a Big Deal, but I don't think I'm psychologically ready to take on a profile that would probably be even longer than Humilia's so soon lmao, especially since there's some stuff going on in RP now that I'd kinda prefer to let finish so I don't have to add a bunch of stuff into the profile later. Which reminds me I think I ought to add a little "last updated" thing to that since I never end up updating those...

ANYWAY it'll almost certainly just be a Siderean instead, tempted to go Scorpius bc he's my fav but he would also possibly have a profile longer than Humilia's and it feels kinda sacrilegious to upload the gods out of zodiac order. Most likely candidate is Arietis since she's the first one and blissfully simple god bless her little empty head, not a tragic backstory in sight. But we'll see where the vibes take me! But not tonight bc my skull is exploding from staring at a screen for so long and having intense emotions about my sad, sad little intense emotions goddess.

That's it! As always feel free to point out typos/grammar stuff because I did not proofread even slightly bc NaNo, like usually I'll do one sweep but not this month baby!!! Ideally I'll go back and give things a peep once I'm done with NaNo one way or another, but you know...


humilia does not deserve to get my horribly mangled homemade burgers bc i would not wish that on anyone so i get to take her to a five guys or something instead

but also i give her Bug as a lil gift. she deserves to have a lil friend

humilia is SO GOOD and has such a kickass ID holy crap. also yeah doing 50k words of profiles is so much more valid than trying to push yourself to do 30 monstrous ones (can you imagine... 11k words every day....) my profiles are way way simpler than yours, maybe like 500 words max :X so yeah. but i believe in you!!! this is a much more attainable goal!! i've kinda kept par but i keep skipping a day and then doing two the next day to catch up. i hope to get properly in the saddle tomorrow and do just one a day because i'm also still doing a gallery a day and trying to draw two tiny headshots every day this month why did i do this to myself.

the abbr tag is good!!! i really liked its inclusion, and i think it worked a lot better than the old tooltips. i'm gonna be honest i didn't notice the music at first because people put pagedolls there so it turned into like a black void in my vision, but i think it works going there. it's small enough that it's not in the way. also for the record the only non-mobile part of your layout looks like the nav, it kinda gets crunched up on small screens, but i could probably help you fix that if it bothers you (np if it doesn't). 

also if you'd like i could give you this code i made for the flex section? it requires some css and some html knowledge to edit, and idk how it'd look on your toyhouse profile code but i'd be happy to finangle it if need be to fit it more.

i think hovertext on all the stats would look a little nicer personally but. up to you!!

also i would love scorpius but i am legally obligated to also say librae. 

thank u... she deserves this kindness. and YEAH lmao i love making profiles but i am not quite powerful enough to churn out my typical length that fast. i always like my profiles to be fairly comprehensive esp in regards to backstory and stuff since i am an unproductive lass and figure it's going to be more or less the only writing that publicly exists for 90% of my ocs! that combined with my desire to ramble at length about the little guys who live in my brain means my profiles are always very..... long.

and i am believing in you too!!! i think the key to any form of nano is not worrying too much about par and letting yourself embrace any natural chaos or patterns that don't match with the "same amount every day" vibes... i barely did anything on the first day and then yesterday accounted for over half my entire word count so far so. Let chaos reign. also a good reminder i need to go get that rss thing set up so i can keep up to date on NaHoWriMo (national horse writing month)

noted!! and yeah the main thing is just the poor fuckin nav getting all scrunchy which. i imagine is because the layout in question was not designed to have as many tabs as i threw in there but. i have such a lust for little categories. sorry toyhouse user eggy for the things i keep doing to your lovely codes. i am def not opposed to being helped in this respect BUT i dunno how Legal:tm: it is to share like the html and css and whatnot since it is a code i paid for once upon a time! there are some other things too i kinda want to fuck around with and i was hoping to get all of that out of the way Before nano but alas i did not give myself enough prep time, so i'm thinking after nano one of my many things on my to-do list will be just some kind of coding sesh in general to finalize what i want to do with my layout...

THAT PAGE IS SO CUTE??? I LOVE IT??? what the hell awesome. i do have a decent enough knowledge of css and html that i imagine i'd be able to handle it, ALTHOUGH i dunno if i'd have that be the flex space since not all of my ocs have ships and some have so many that it'd get a bit unwieldy, but i am tempted.... i think at minimum it would be a fun thing to have on like, world pages or make some kind of designated page somewhere for, so i'd definitely be happy to hang on to the coding at least! also somehow this page is my first time learning abt krivaya. Two of them

yeah i can def see that and think ultimately i agree! if i'm gonna do hovertext for Some of the stats it honestly makes more sense to just do it for All of them, and it's not like it takes very long to add so it's a trivial change to make! plus there are almost certainly some stats/ailments that I think are straightforward that other people would be like "well wtf does this mean??"

this is the privilege of being a cusp. you get TWO gods, as a treat. i am now increasingly tempted to scorpy though.... if i dont have a profile up in like a full week You Will Know Why

don't worry about handing out the html/css i can just mess around with it with inspect element. so it shrinks down badly because the text disappears on small screens (wrapped in "hidden-sm-down") but exposing the text jumbles around all the words. for a really simple fix you could go into your css where it says ".nav-pills, .nav-pills .nav-link" and between the curly brackets write "min-height:30px;". that will stop the nav pills from shrinking and hiding half the little icon. adjust the exact number of pixels as you need but i thought 30 was a nice number

VALID i don't comment my HTML code but i think it's relatively readable beyond that? i stripped out a lot of the styling specific to my site but that might make it look a little weird (i don't know what margins toyhouse automatically adds onto anything. let me know if it looks mega scuffed if/when you use it). also anyone else reading this is free to use the code and you're free to distribute it i don't care. feel free to edit the words on either side of the line/the checkboxes too. it's in this doc here

also yes............... grabs krivaya..................... slime 2

AWESOME... tried that out and it worked like a dream!! nav is now way less scrungy on tiny screens now... thank you for my life

i did try out the relationship thingy in the flex space but alas from a quick glance it seems allergic to my profile code... saved it and will def try it out on a world page or something someday though!! it's so cute...

................................slime mans

Humilia gets nothing but the best homecooked burgs.

she cherishes them. thank you