IT'S SCORPY TIME + more updates!

Posted 5 months, 21 days ago by Scorpius Isoprene

would you be scorpius' neofriend

4 Votes yes :)
1 Votes i would be too intimidated to send him a friend req...
0 Votes no :(
2 Votes i do not play neopets nor do i intend to sorry scorpius
0 Votes (walter white voice) iso what the fuck are you talking about

part 1: it's scorpin' time

(crawls out of my grave) Holy Fuck Help me. i mean hello again everyone welcome to my bulletin! i have completed another profile. why did this one take me like two weeks you ask? haha. hahaha. Maybe You'll Find Out! anyway please perceive scorpius he is my favorite little meowmeow, and as mentioned last bulletin he even won first prize for being resident favorite isonut among my friend group...!

This one was, as we say in the industry, "a doozy". I knew Scorpius was going to be a long profile, but I kind of underestimated the level of words that occurs when someone is like the main character and is also immortal in a setting where you have several important world events planned out. Oops! I think this is by far my longest profile, but I hope someone out there will dare to give it a read anyway!! It's really just the history tab that's massive, but hopefully it'll be interesting enough to get through...?! If you read any amount of it at all I'll still be really grateful, though!

I'll freely admit this one's gonna need a look-over in December when I can afford to do editing and stuff, because I chipped away at it over a pretty sizeable period and I think there wound up being a lot of word repetition and clunky sentences and whatnot, not to mention failing to go into detail on things that probably could have used more detail although I suppose it's wordy enough so Perhaps Not. It's tricky when you don't have a ton of other pages you can link to yet, so you have to kinda explain a lot of concepts and stuff within the profile itself! Also tricky when it's NaNoWriMo so you're trying to churn out as many words as fast as you can without looking back there are probably 1000000 typos and I am sorry. Least proofread profile of all time in human history I think.

ANYWAY if that's somehow not enough Scorpius for you, you're in luck! There's even MORE Scorpius!! I wrote a little story about Scorpius' canon son Scorpius Junior a couple years ago, and now that one of the characters in the story has a profile I can legally upload it! It's a short and silly little thing, so hopefully it'll be a nice little treat after the main course, or perhaps a snack to satiate you if you are terrified of the gigantic beast spilling over the dinner table oh my goodness:

part 2: other toyhouse things

If you take a peek at Scorpius' profile, you'll notice I made a couple more tweaks to my profile layout! I've always been bothered by my layout not having a link back to my profile or anywhere else to see who the character belongs to except for the legends who click the credits tab, but I'd tried and failed before to eliminate and edit the right CSS to get that little section back without breaking anything else. I in my infinite wisdom decided to burn valuable writing time trying to work on that again and fucking around with the code inspecting thingy Firefox has and wrestling with it for hours and hours to no real available so what's there is just kind of the best I can do! I was hoping to have something smaller but things just wouldn't align right and I can't get it to go Up more and I am growing weary merely thinking of my travails. So hopefully it isn't annoying looking because I don't want to go back and get rid of it!!

Everything else is pretty minor! Noted very swag person @Kolo helped me figure out how to make the nav section friendlier on mobile and I noticed some other HTML error that was making the Basics table weird, so phone users should have a slightly nicer experience now! The only other changes are in the Stats tab; the type now has hovertext explaining that type combination's weaknesses and resistances, and all of the stats and ailments now have explanatory hovertext!

Finally, the big question surely everyone on this humble planet is asking... who's next? I dunno! I was going to say "someone shorter for sure" but I honestly don't think I have any other OC who would have a profile as long as Scorpius' at this point lmao. Like... maybe if I redid Dicro's and went all-in on his RP history tab and also ironed out all the specific things that happened in his original Competition, noted thing I've needed to do for over a decade but still haven't done??

It'll almost certainly be another Siderean god since getting more Siderea content is my highest priority, but we'll just have to see how I'm feeling tomorrow! To categorize the rough likelihood:

  • Could use some more planning but it's easy enough to write a profile for them right now as-is and just add in any further developments later: Arietis, Tauri, Geminorum, Aquari
  • The above but I kinda feel like I should make a world page about death first so I don't have to explain 10000 things in the profile itself like how space is just like so absolutely fucking haunted just absurdly haunted like literally all of it but I guess that would be good for my word count?: Librae and shockingly no one else is in this hyper-specific category
  • Has some more pressing backstory details that need to be ironed out but they might be reasonable to handle during writing itself you feel me??: Sagittaria (pre-god life stuff), Capricoris (same), Ophius (when they and Cetia became gods exactly, more about their time with Asclepius) Cetia (great cetan exodus stuff... like surely shit happened throughout that, there ought to be important cetans in her life for good and ill)
  • Has some glaring holes in their backstory that I'd definitely burn a ton of writing time trying to fill: Cancri (her catasterism is my immortal enemy), Leonis & Virginis (their CHILDREN iso they HAD CHILDREN why do you NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE YET), Piscium (the Sandalphon Incident:tm: needs more defining but it's important!), Arachne (who is arianrhod. when did arachne start happening.)

If you have any preferences let me know, but either way it is a mystery what my vibes will vibe with after going to bed.... I'll also probably take a small break to try and catch up on a couple things and reply to stuff tomorrow anyway, so who knows! But maybe not actually bc the weekend is the only time I really have the time and energy to write so I might not take said break until the work week...?? idk man it's 2:30 in the morning don't trust anything I say.

Also I'm gonna plug the OC Situation Creator because idk I just feel like it! Put your OCs through a silly romp!! Or maybe a surprisingly dark romp. You won't know until you check it out!!

part 3: other not toyhouse things

First off, NaNoWriMo! I'm really glad I decided to try NaProWriMo again this year because Uhhh wow! This is the most I've ever written for NaNo! I'm currently at 35k words, and my best effort before this was 23k and also ten years ago! I've never even gotten halfway through before, and now I'm almost 3/4 of the way done and feel like I have a legitimate chance of winning for the first time! Incredibly funny to think that this massive word count is split between two character profiles on toyhou dot se, but that happens when you tackle two characters with lengthy histories! Def something I'll do again next year if I don't have a story concept in mind again, and I'll likely make some kind of thread to advertise it!

Second, I made a Status Cafe account! Dunno how often I'll use it but I really like the idea of using it around NaNo so my failures to produce profiles within a week aren't so mysterious! Just a nice little progress tracker kinda thing. I plopped a little embed linking to it on my profile underneath my big round me face and didn't edit my featured OCs section in the process despite it not being May and thus purple OC season! (it's currently brown oc season, if you're curious)

Finally... Neopets... ?!?!?!

If you haven't heard, Neopets is having kind of a renaissance because it got bought out by someone who actually gives a shit about it, so there have been a lot of neat changes, they brought the games back, etc.! I've had more recent alts but it made me really want to get back into my original account, but because I didn't know the defunct email address my mom used to make the account for me when I was 9 years old I wasn't able to when I sent in a ticket a couple months ago. BUT my friends started playing again recently and I decided to try again, and it turns out they changed their policies for giving back old accounts or something so the amount of info I had was sufficient enough evidence to get back into my 20 year old account I am pretty sure I have followers who are younger than my Neopets holy shit!!!

Anyway, if you play at all (or would like to start) and want to be Neofriends, you can find my profile here! I've deliberately left as much stuff untouched as possible (my gallery is the only thing I plan on changing up to match the new themes I want to include and I already changed the shopkeeper accordingly), so enjoy the pure essence of mid-2000s Iso! Join my epic Mario guild. Uncover my old Sonic fan characters. There's simply so much lore...!

I think that's it! I am going to bed now it is 3 AM.


hrgh reading scorpius' profile really made me curious about piscium but they're in the most difficult bracket and i def agree a shorter profile might be. a good break. but also the fish and the scorp.................................... (also now extra curious about arachne)

"release Piscium from the primordial urge to rejoin the flesh of God" - raw fucking line btw

"Arietis, infamous for her lack of critical thinking skills" - BRUTAL

"Why were the gods fallible? Why didn't they at least get formal training? " - very real questions i'm sorry orion sometimes gods are just like that. 

"The arrows were removed from each of the fallen gods, who returned the Cosmos to recover and be informed of what had transpired" - world's most awkward conversation

"Scorpius regretted it" :( this whole incident was an incredible unmitigated disaster

enjoyed the aquari momence (gf is an aquarius) so i'm very happy to see more of them


Neopetsssss I haven’t gotten around to updating my own profile recently, but I did get myself two new pets since the revamp. Got some new babies to hang around my old pets, with my oldest being old enough to drink at this point. XD

I’ll send you a request; I’m togeprincess over there. LadyLatias helped me make it way back in the day, infecting me with her Pokemon-name germs. XP <3

at last i've found an account even older than mine... grats to your oldest pet's capacity to party hard!! i'm debating if i want to make some new pets since now you have 6 slots at base, but i feel like if i do i gotta make sure they fit with my ancient naming scheme of "put in the very simple name i want and then accept the giant string of numbers neopets tacks on to the end"

accepted! my mom made my account for me and just made the name based on my nickname at the time LMAO i can only imagine what i would've whipped up otherwise... probably pokemon related too honestly!

Grats on all the NaNoWriMo progress! I am not making nearly as much process… xD; Then again, November is always an incredibly busy month for me!

And I’ve been getting back into Neopets too! I’ll send you a request; I’m minty_fivestar over there! <3

thanks!! and yeah same, i always feel like november ends up being a terrible month for people's productivity and usually i'm no exception! i get they gotta have the nov for the novel pun though :P

also, accepted!!