Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by Orchid Isoprene

Gimme those honest opinions: how great am I?

5 Votes You're the greatest, Orchid! (Oh, you're too kind.)

Fashionably late, I know, I really should've been here, like, a year ago. But better late than never, right? I'm sure you've all been feeling like you're missing something in life, but don't worry: I'm here now. Feels good, doesn't it? Like your life's finally complete? I do that to people, I know.

Anyway! I've brought you all a nice big gift, and it's called info about me! I'm sure you're all falling over yourselves trying to click that link, but don't worry: it's not going anywhere, and neither am I. So take your time! Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn, settle down by the fireplace for a nice long read all about my deepest, darkest secrets. Generous of me, huh?

Well, I'll be perfectly honest, it doesn't have all of my deepest and darkest secrets. Just a couple. There's more, but [it's not time yet]. You gotta work for that info, you know? Dig it up yourself. Don't worry, though, I'll keep you updated. Those updates will trickle in, I promise.

That's all I have to say! But you'll be seeing so, so much more of me, rest assured. For now, though, why don't you [give my profile a read]?


It's taken me a hot minute, but Orchid finally has a profile! I say finally because Orchid's got a bit of a story. He hails from a little thought I had over 5 years ago about if Dicro - my arguable main character at this point - hung out with his pal Ignis a little too hard that I wound up making a reality. Shortly afterward, though, I started thinking harder on it, and the spoiler gang seemed so eager to flesh out this whole En2rety thing that one thing led to another and lil ol' 2cro got all hot and evil. Then a plot developed and soon enough there were plans for the future...

...The far future. It took, uh, 5 years and like three site-hops before things finally progressed for enough for me to reveal 2cro's true nature as Orchid, at long last free to share my emojis and funny memes with the rest of my friends. And lemme tell ya, I'd never felt more free in my life than that moment. Ah, memories...

It's been about a year now (the anniversary of the reveal was August 24th so I would've made this thing a lot sooner if I'd remembered whoops), but I finally mustered up enough spoons to crank this beast of a profile out. He was easily at the top of my list of profiles to make, what with being the most important character I have RP-wise and someone I talk about a ton. He's easily one of my favorite OCs if not The favorite, so I'd appreciate it if you gave his bio a read!

I have a story involving him I wrote not too long ago (read as: July apparently, wtf is time), but I'm thinking I might try to crank out a mini bio for Astrid before I upload it since they're the only other character involved. Would also be nice to let Orchid's profile settle in first, too, since it's probably helped by having a little background knowledge. We'll see, though! I already feel like writing another story too so who knows where this weekend will take me!! (inb4 i write nothing else this weekend)

Uhhh no other big updates really, I rly need to be active places but y'know, life and fixating on RP and stuff. Hope you're all doing well!


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