Slot Sale - Gaza Relief Fund

Posted 4 months, 13 days ago by cupidry


hey all! mod mihael here with a slightly different sort of sale going on today. all slots and items available for sale are going up for the next 3 days, and all proceeds will be donated to relief efforts in gaza.

we understand that sometimes the biggest roadblock is not knowing how, or where, to donate. having done so before, we want to provide 1) an easy access point, and 2) the tools for doing so should anyone want to donate more.



as gaza's near-total phone and internet blackout continues, e-sims have become crucial tools for continuing communication and resisting gaza's isolation.

you can learn more here! there's also a fairly comprehensive and updating tumblr post about different e-sim platforms here.


the need for menstrual products in gaza is dire. this project puts together and delivers menstrual kits to people who need them in gaza; donations of virtually any monetary amount are accepted, starting at $5 (USD).

you can learn more here!

the need for e-sims is generally considered more urgent; as such, proceeds will go there by default. however, the pious project is an issue dear to many people's hearts, and you are welcome to request your money be donated there instead. similarly, we wanted to connect people with a reputable place to donate money, even in small amounts, to palestinian relief.


1) fill out this form.
2) make payment to mod mihael's kofi .
3) attach proof of payment to form and send!


we encourage everyone to learn as much as they can and raise their voices in favor of palestine. thank you all.


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