Unbleeders's Bulletins

Charity Adopt | Beach Treasure

Posted 2 days, 8 hours ago by gutter

adopt by tavernless is up for auction!

click here to bid



on some much needed sunshine!


pictured: kaida twins himawari and tsubaki, enjoying a treat in the summer sun on a private beach in caer sidi. 


Who else needs a break from all the stress and anxiety right now?

Well, we have just the thing for you: a beach episode heralding the start of a brief but relaxing filler arc!

Whether you're going on vacation, learning to drive, imagining your life in a different genre, moving house, filling in some missing backstory, showing off a new accessory, trying out a new sport, or stuck in one room the whole time, just trying to catch a damn fly - we encourage Caer Sidians of all walks of life to take a rest month!

Just breathe. It's all going to be ok. And don't forget: we're always on your side.


what a coincidence!


pictured: concerned citizens no-one and joel, exploring the long-abandoned caer sidi rail depot. 


It's perfect! Don't you think?

I mean, I'm ever so grateful to Miss Tsubaki for letting us stay in her big manor full of miseryguts Unbleeders who'd do harm to the Star given half a chance, but this really seems like the perfect spot! ...especially after getting run out of that 'abandoned' mall. 

(Who would have thought it was being used for paid company retreats by Llawes subsidiaries? Ehe, I did nab a couple of those 'Team-Building Exercise '37 t-shirts. Comfy!) 

Sure, this place needs a bit of a scrub, but what place doesn't! And all the old rail tracks from before the Corp built the monorails are still there, too -- I bet if I ask the right people, we can rig a carriage to zip away from here in a hurry if we really need it to. Well, after we work on functional kitchens and bathrooms and wifi, and such.

All these old trains, abandoned just because they got obsolete - a little elbow grease and they'll make perfect little apartments in their own way... if we really put our minds to it, it'll be a better, more functional, and more accessible than the Usual Place ever was!

And nicer on the eyes, too. We know plenty of artists who'll be able to help pretty up the place, after all!

Just like everything else: all we need is to work together... so, um, anyone want to help us move in?



This month's theme is...

Beach Episode // Filler Arc!

Any long-running media is likely to have one. From a single episode trying to finally reveal your teacher's true face, to whole seasons of new content not in the original, filler can make or break the pacing of your favourite series. And of course, the classic option is that summertime staple: the beach episode.

It's an excuse for fan service or just wacky hijinks - not to mention romantic moments at sunset or under the stars. Something about the seaside just makes everyone feel a little lighter, and there's always something for everyone - even if it's just your favourite flavour of ice cream. Or perhaps some time alone with your murderous sister, who stabbed you the last time you tried to spend time with her. (surely, nothing bad will happen...)

On the other side of things, no-one has been spending the last few weeks since the tragic burning of the Usual Place (which my press release assures me the Hounds had no hand in, and we should be grateful they were there to help out.) searching around the entire Caer Sidi metropolitan area for a new central base for the Concerned Citizens.

It's a little ambitious, trying to renovate the old Central Caer Sidi Rail Depot and all its abandoned old-style trains from before starmetal technology was available to make everything easier, but hey, it pulls off ambitious nonsense practically daily!

(I heard it used to break into the Cwn Annwn dorms just to loom ominously over Ari while he slept? No wonder he burned -- ahem. I mean, isn't it generous of him to send the Cwn to keep everyone safe?)

It'll be spending its summer working on that, then, it seems, rather than relaxing! Well, that's certainly going to fill the time.

(one 'filler arc' in my own life was one where i watched a lot of home renovation reality tv.....)



1. Beach Episode: 

Let's go to the beach, beach! Draw or write about your Unbleeder having summertime fun at the beach! Or perhaps they aren't such a fan of sand and sea...

2. Filler Arc:

This one's pretty open: draw or write about how your Unbleeder might spend a break! From work, from the world, from the constraints of the setting... OR mimic your favourite filler episode of a series you enjoy!

Requirements (both prompts)

♡ Minimum of a clean sketch with flat colours for art, 500 words for writing.

♡ All entries for either prompt must include an Unbleeder.  If you don't own one, you can draw someone else's - we have a channel specifically to find available UBs for this sort of thing in our Discord server! And don't forget, we have special, discord-exclusive prompts, too, which can earn you even more LC! 

♡ Each entry is worth 2LC, and you can earn LC for up to 2 entries for each prompt. (thats 8 LC in total!)


🫀Guest Artists!🫀



July Guest Artist Apps!

Posted 12 days, 19 hours ago by gutter

Running in late with an armful of resumes - anyone up for interning here at Llawes this month?

(If it's been more than three months since the last time you were on our team, you're welcome to apply again!  While we do want to make sure that everyone gets a chance, we aren't opposed to returning faces!)


apply to be a guest artist here!

form closes 11:59PM on the 14th, EST.

Artfight LC Rewards!

Posted 25 days, 7 hours ago by gutter


Same rules as ever: any Artfight attacks on an Unbleeder will earn you 2 LC ! We've set up a channel to share profiles on the discord server to make that even easier for everyone.

Rewards for art of mod-owned Unbleeders stack with this once per person per mod - be sure to mention that on your credit exchange post so I don't miss it, though ♡

In the interest of fairness, we've once again added a bonus option for writers, too! So, any writing done about an Unbleeder during the month of July will also earn you 2LC !



Posted 26 days, 59 minutes ago by gutter


Our Guest Artists, affiliates, and some of our mods have been hard at work for you this Pride season! Please enjoy this celebratory adopt batch!

Graphics by gutter with a great deal of help from cupidry! Thank you Mihael!


RIPPLEgutter | Trashpolka Tattoosaintbambi | Divine Vengeancerustbqr | Deep Dissentbapzaster
Ocean's Bountyclonked | Arrow-mantic HuntressKurooCrowe | DAWNLIGHTgutter | Trans In Rococosaintbambi

Artist's Prideerubeculas |  MetamorphosisOrZo | Vain Violetmoif | Silver Bridleaikn
Morning BirdsongDizzyDreamer | on-base custom (bid in comments) ♡ gutter | Prismatic GlassNoir0Sun
Apollonian HeartqKoya | Drip Dropgrimling | oh no!sgtbutterben | Ballroomerubeculas

all links should now function !


2.5 Anniversary Celebration!

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by gutter


Two and a half years of Unbleeders - who would have thought?

As I mentioned in our monthly newsletter, we're gonna be giving away some free slots!
FTOs will receive a Rare slot, and non-FTOs will receive a choice between a Common Slot and our new item - a Potion Re-brew, which allows you to resubmit a password from the Unbleeders Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game to acquire one of three Bonus Traits - Crystalline Body, Fluid Metal, or Illusory Objects!
The first 100 entries will also receive a randomly generated Celestial Trait ticket!

♡ claim yours here ♡

event will run for 24 hours only!


GA Adopt | Pool Party!

Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by gutter

adopt by sgtbutterben is up for auction!

click here to bid


MYO/Item Sale and ♡ CUSTOM RAFFLE ♡

Posted 1 month, 11 days ago by gutter

hiiiiiiii unbleeder nation ! my birthday is on the 17th !!! 

to celebrate im holding a free raffle on our discord !

and im ALSO running a slot sale here, where if you spend over $10 youll be entered into a raffle for a sketch custom from me!! 

GA Adopt | Skittle of Anarchy

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by gutter

adopt by DizzyDreamer is up for offers!

click here to offer


[LORE] Welcome home, Bran!

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by gutter





A thought-abandoned high-rise apartment building caught alight in an otherwise quiet neighbourhood in Caer Sidi tonight.
In a tragic twist of fate, however, it became clear that the building was no longer abandoned, and in fact had several families living inside without proper support from the city, putting them in danger due to the lack of necessary infrastructure nearby and no official services being aware of their presence.
Thanks to the efforts of a handful of Llawes Corporation's own Cwn Annwn who happened to be in the area, however, there was no loss of life in our beautiful city tonight - every person and animal was safely escorted from the premises and away from the deadly blaze.
Sadly, the fire services were delayed in their approach, and the building has been almost entirely scoured by the flames, leaving it to the Corporation to provide proper shelter and new homes for these suddenly unhoused families.
CEO Arawn Llawes said: "We have plenty of resources in place to make sure anyone affected by this tragedy will find all of the support, help, and love they need. Everyone who was evacuated has been given hotel suites in the nearest Llawes Hotel for as long as they need, free of charge, and we'll put every effort into making sure everyone finds a comfortable new home with the infrastructure needed to take care of a family. Other abandoned buildings in the area will also be checked over, in case this is a wider issue; we'll have plans to build some more useful community buildings in the space where this particular building was in no time. "

and why were the hounds there, at the Usual Place, on a night when most of the CC who live there happened to be out?


