October Newsletter - 'Changes'

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by gutter

Article from the Caer Sidian, a few years old by this point.

Llawes Corp's elite 'Hounds of the Otherworld'

With the first handful of members picked this week, Llawes Corporation officially rolled out their new 'elite force', a selection of top combatants and otherwise exceptionally skilled Calon Ddi-waed, each one picked out by 'Unbleeder Department' spokesperson, Ari, to act as direct defenders of the people of Caer Sidi, protecting humans from any possible danger.

"Of course, there's going to be a sense of elitism, that sort of thing is inevitable," Ari told our reporter. "But we hope that instead we can cultivate a goal for those working at Llawes, and that our little group with become much like a fa

The article cuts off here, paper torn seemingly with quite some force.


The following is selection of internal memos from Llawes Corp, put together from pieces found in a shredder. Seems recent.

Know I wouldn’t send this were I not reasonably certain my suspicions have at least some basis in reality. I take pride in my professional relationship with the Cŵn Annwn. The potential ripple effects of such an accusation is not lost on me, but I fear my concerns have reached their boiling point. 
I wouldn’t presume to know what the appropriate course of action is in a situation like this. Your intervention and judgment are not only appreciated, but necessary. However, I respectfully request that, whatever approach you deem best, I am consulted with regards to Fukushima’s care and ultimate fate. I believe my closeness with the Cŵn Annwn will prove benefi
- Lunch with Bran. It's been a couple of weeks.
- Evening with Beck. Invite her girlfriend along to analyse how things are with Bran?
Reschedule: Meeting with Fukushima. Inattendance suggests--
-the Calon Ddi-waed codenamed 'Therezein' for lack of legal ID upon resurrection is detained on floor B3, section E. Please exercise standard procedure when-


Data extracted from phone belonging to Ari during a routine security checkup.

--all ur merch lolol
Fisher: hah. thanks. maybe ill do that one day.
Nami: ...Dancing... in the training room... join me?
Kaleo: Yeah, I'm up for that! On my way.
LlawesHQ:  This is an alert. Intruders have been detected in the building. The last known location will be sent to your LlawesHQ app. Detain where possibl--
>hi hi, do u still wanna meet up now that ur done?
>bocchan?? are you okay??

                                                          I'm fine. I'm just tired.<

>top 10 things said by people who are not fine: 1. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 2. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 3. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 4. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 5. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 6. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 7. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 8. 'I'm fine. I'm just tired.' 9 well you get it

>...that bad, huh?
>talk to me.

>omw to your suite. if you don't wanna talk that's fine, but please let me see you?




Drafted article for the Caer Sidian, to be front-page headline on the 17th October 20XX.

Ceridwen finally becoming more hands-on with the Calon Ddi-waed?

Our city's beloved Hounds have been part of our community for a few years now, under the eye of their leader, Ari, who still shoulders all other responsibilities besides his duties as a Ci Annwn, and as of this week, some of that burden will be lifted from him. You can expect to see everyone's favourite spokesperson kicking his feet up and relaxing more and more as Ceridwen Llawes, CEO of Llawes Corp., takes the reins on picking out which Unbleeders classify as elite and qualified for the position of Hound.

Ari's relief at this change is palpable, saying [INSERT QUOTE HERE WHEN LLCO SENDS US THE STATEMENTS] to our reporter.

Ceridwen could not be reached for statement, though Himawari Kaida has been stated as continuing to act as manager for the Cwn.

This comes hot on the heels of the recent retirement of now-ex Ci Annwn, Jun, who [DETAILS WHEN THEY SEND US THE STATEMENTS?? WHAT HAPPENED?]

Newly-joining Hounds include [THEY SAID THEYD LIST THEM?]

[god this article is so bare-bones. i should go work for the Sidi Tribune, that way i could actually find out true things instead of just writing what they tell us, even if the pay is worse. whatever. maybe i could make things up to fill in the space? ]

The new batch of Hounds picked especially by Ceridwen are rumoured to include Bran Llawes himself and that one freak that runs the CC. And me! haha



This months theme is...



(also Halloween)

First off, sorry this bulletin is late! I had a little setback with producing certain bits and pieces for this month's newsletter, since I unfortunately came down with covid and had to take a bit of time off as a result! I'm almost completely recovered now, though, and excited to bring more and more Unbleeder content to you all! 

Our discord server has been very active lately: in particular, the roleplaying section has been thriving! It's also, as you might have gathered from some of the above, affecting the overall and ongoing lore of this species! We've always aimed to make it feel like your characters and decisions really affect the world of Unbleeders, and I think that's seriously starting to happen now! Want to know more details as to what's going on? Come ask other community members, who will be more than happy to catch you up on more details about everyone's Unbleeders - and to learn about yours, too!

I really encourage anyone interested in developing their Unbleeders to come join in on the fun - but either way, in order to help facilitate some of the chance-based aspects people have been enjoying, mod Mihael (@winnerstick) has constructed a fantastic and brand new TTRPG stat system especially for Unbleeders! 

check it out here!

Anything you need checked over by a mod on that front should ideally be done via discord, but dming gutter here on toyhouse is okay, too!



🫀October Events!🫀

Due to recent developments, the elite force of Unbleeders who are skilled combatants working for Llawes Corp and marketed a little like idols  - the Cŵn Annwn, or the Hounds - will no longer be picked out by Ari. He's always been considered an ordinary team member by the Corp, but now this will be emphasised! His failure to prevent the betrayal of a Hound need for a little more time to recuperate between work means that Ceridwen Llawes is going to take a much more hands-on approach, interviewing directly and ensuring loyalty above all else, as opposed to Ari's more personal and, uh, quirky reasonings to granting that status.

The Hounds are not just elite, but also a family of sorts - they all live within the same area in HQ, and are encouraged to pursue team-building activities when not on duty protecting the people of Caer Sidi. From what? Well, the rebel group calling themselves 'concerned', of course, but also ███████̴̡̢̘͕̮̠̦̯̗̥̞̖̠̈́█̵̧̫͔̰͉̈́́̌͊̓̎̓͑͘ͅ█̸̢̣̘̯̮̣͚̤̣̻̭̩͗̽͛̍̈͌͝█̵̛̼͉̦̯̗̮̲̄̕█̸̢̨̱̼̰͔̟̔̏̒̐̾̃͂̀̾̏̊̓̚


as well as providing citizens with a general sense of safety and protection.

New applicants should email Ceridwen Llawes with their qualifications.


Thanks to last month's Caer Sidian reports, Llawes will also be increasing requirements for ID checks on public transport and in public buildings! While visitors are always welcome at Llawes HQ, from now on, anyone entering the building beyond the front foyer must be accompanied by an employee or resident at all times.

This new rule will be enforced by Llawes security, forcefully when needed.

We appreciate all your feedback, and promise to continue to improve our beautiful city!


It's October, and - well, it might be a little typical, but - we're inviting you all to come trick-or-treating with us! Thanks to Llawes Corporation, the streets are clean and safe even at night, so make sure to make HQ a stop on your journey this Hallowe'en: we're decorating the foyer and would love to see you! Come get yourself a Llawes-branded treat, or show off your best tricks to our receptionists!


Co-CEO Bran Llawes promises a wild and fantastical party on Hallowe'en night, too, taking up the entire Casey Cassiopeia Memorial Concert Hall - visit our website to learn more about the event!


1. Changes.

All sorts has changed since Llawes Corporation introduced Unbleeders - and more and more is changing lately. From increased security to shifting loyalties, what has changed for your Unbleeder lately? Or how have changes around them been affecting them? 

Requirements: Minimum of a clean sketch with flat colours for art, 500 words for writing.

2. Trick-or-treat!

Draw or write about your Unbleeder at Hallowe'en! What costume do they pick out? Do they go door-to-door, or attend a party with their friends? Maybe they stay in and watch scary movies, or don't like Hallowe'en at all?

Requirements: Minimum of a clean sketch with flat colours for art, 500 words for writing.

All entries for either prompt must include an Unbleeder.  If you don't own one, you can draw someone else's - we have a channel  specifically to find available UBs for this sort of thing in our Discord server! And don't forget, we have special, discord-exclusive prompts, too, which can earn you even more LC!
Each entry is worth 2LC, and you can earn LC for up to 2 entries for each prompt. (thats 8 LC in total!)

Submit entries in our Store Central Exchange!


🫀Guest Artists!🫀

This month's Guest Artists are:




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