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pls help theres no clicky


ALSO AS ALWAYS YOUR HOVERTEXT IS A TREAT... I don't trust that scarf of hers :knife:

hypnotic music in general is like a superfav trope of mine and you did EXCELLENT with chelsea, i love her personality & that last trivia bullet made me laugh p hard... unfortunately for her i am too gay for her femme charms BUT i will still admire her from afar

ha ha the joy of responding 2 months late is that now there is clicky. owned.

also her scarf is totally trustworthy, it just wants to devour your soul! what's a little soul-devouring between strangers?? not like anyone needs their soul for anything, right??

and agreed, ya just can't go wrong with a little hypnotism, especially alongside your favorite top music hits of the moment! thank you for being a loyal chelsea fan, but not too loyal. it's the safest option you've got with her, really