are you happy with your artstyle?

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by AlmondGames

just a general question. 

was thinking of my own artstyle, and how its very 'cutesy'. (examples in spoiler) i do like my style, i think its cute. the problem arises with that,,,, its never how i imagined my style would end up. you see, ive always admired 'gross-out' styles. lumpy, unappealing to a wide audience, kind of just fucked up looking. i feel conflicted about my art style, because while i like it as A style, its not what i really want for my style. i have fun drawing, i like it visually, but part of me wishes that i hadnt ended up drawing this way. i could start to change my art style, i could practice, but i just dont have the free time to do that anymore. i love to draw monsters, creepy, unnerving things, and thats hard when my style lends itself to cute chibi fluffy things. its not that big of a deal, but i wanted to know how others feel about their own art style. are you happy with it? has your style had any dramatic shifts? do you have any alternate styles?




You are young, even if you are 30 you are young artistically wise.
We don't have one art style to stick to it, we are free to explore what we want and try stuff. Eventually the art style you want will be developped
but also note that sometimes, the art style you want is not the art style you are and feel at your core.

as for my art style, idk, I don't like it.
I sometimes find it pretty but I don't feel like I have any, I just scribble around, trying stuff


Y'know, I really admire cartoony/edgy art styles and I've always wanted to try it out(well, I tried but I failed so hard sksdvwfevu)

Not that I'm complaining too much though, I know I've improved!! I began drawing digitally when the pandemic hit because of boredom, and I made this account like 2 weeks ago, and oh boy was it hard at first. 

I've developed a cutesy anime-ish chibi art style(as have many of the people here so far lol) but I really do want to try and develop a more "realistic" take in art? Or maybe I should learn how backgrounds work . rip.

ehhhh I guess my answer to this question is, yes, I'm happy with my art style. But I'm also going to try and get better :3


I draw in multiple styles. I generally do like them, but there's aspects from each style that I might dislike, but those things don't always come through. My art is a little inconsistent so there's periods of time where I produce really good art and other periods of time where I produce things that arent necessarily bad, but they look different and I dont like them.


My style at the moment is in what I like to think is a transition phase, I suppose? I made it my goal a while back to have a more realistic style, and believe me, it was very hard transitioning out of a (I'm going to call it stylized for lack of a better term.) stylized style almost. I try not to rag on myself too hard when art turns out less than what I had hoped because again...its just a transition phase (At least that's what I tell myself) but I have been entertaining the idea of having multiple styles because I have actually grown...attached to this transition phase lol. I'm surprised the idea hasn't occurred to me before, maybe I had just been exposed to people who only have one set way of drawing for so long that I internalized it. Idk. 

In summary, yeah, I'm mostly happy with my current style, even if it's not what I was aiming for initially when I made the change to start drawing more realistically. 


tbh, i hate my art style. It changes constantly, and sometimes i go back to old art styles. I don't have consistency, sometimes the heads are round and other times its sharp, sometimes the eyes have pupils, others they don't, sometimes there's a space between the eye whites and the skin color, other times there isn't. i don't have a consistency and it honestly sucks


I would say I'm pretty pleased with my artstyle, but I believe that every artist always has an aspect they don't like about it. As of how my style is now I'm pretty happy with it, but I often feel that my style appears, "too generic," as I don't go the realistic route, the exaggerated toony route, or even the cool anime route. Mine is just kind of in the middle of it all.

Though I most definitely enjoy my style now more than the style I had almost a year ago. I finally broke the habit of, "simplify so it's easy animate," and I feel like my proportions and anatomy has significantly improved since kicking that artistic habit.


There's nothing saying you can't draw in more than one style. I enjoy various different art styles, though lean less towards rounded super-cute-sy stuff I see other artists draw (I enjoy seeing other artists draw like that, it just doesn't come off as appealing for me to draw).


I’ve been very happy with my style lately, especially after I changed it!! So happy the confusing triangle eyes are gone 😭😭 

My least favourite thing about my current style is my inability to draw necks. I just don’t understand them so I remove them and it gets confusing for people using my art as reference for characters, while also making it impossible for me to draw all different body types. I also want slightly smaller eyes so they don’t cover the entire face but I can’t seem to do that without it looking ugly haha. ALSO my same face syndrome. I have a long way to go hahA but in the meantime I really like my art and my progress!!


I used to have many issues with my style (especially colouring). It was especially bad during University, but now I've had a chance to take a break and regroup. I am much happier with my style.

I have always drawn in the anime style with 'realistic' proportions, but for a while I couldn't get a good grasp on how I wanted to colour, I looked at a plethora of different artists that styles inspired me, but I still couldn't do one that both looked good, and felt right to me. But finally around late 2020, I finally found a style I was happy with.

As for my drawing style in general, I tend to change small things form time to time (especially when drawing the face), but it is not so much that it is unnoticable that it's drawn by me.

I have about 2-3 different styles, mainly for my detailed art, simple/sketch art, and chibis.

And as much as I like my style, I also have an itch to try other styles and techniques/subjects for my art, such as semi realism, backgrounds/scenery, and painterly styles. All of which I have not gotten too in depth with but I am gradually doing more of them.

Long story short, I am loving my art and style finally, but I always look forward to try new things and improve. I will never stop learning and evolving/trying to improving my art.


Tbh i like some aspects of my artstyle, but at the same time i wish for it to be sharper in a way? Like still cartoony, but more visually distinct and with more geometric shapes in it so that its more discernable then the stereotypical popular "cutesy" artstyle


Honestly? I am at the point of my art life where I am happy with my style, and would only want to improve upon it and my skills. I think art styles are meant to change or become more refined, and that is the beauty of it. There is this artist who has GENERALLY had a similar art style for a long time, but their art just kept getting better. Their style seemingly had changed drastically, but a lot of similar aspects stayed the same but were improved upon. It was really inspiring. It actually made me appreciate my style, and just wanted to keep improving as a result.

If you are unhappy with a style, ask yourself why? Also, why can’t people have multiple styles? Do what makes you happy!