are you happy with your artstyle?

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by AlmondGames

just a general question. 

was thinking of my own artstyle, and how its very 'cutesy'. (examples in spoiler) i do like my style, i think its cute. the problem arises with that,,,, its never how i imagined my style would end up. you see, ive always admired 'gross-out' styles. lumpy, unappealing to a wide audience, kind of just fucked up looking. i feel conflicted about my art style, because while i like it as A style, its not what i really want for my style. i have fun drawing, i like it visually, but part of me wishes that i hadnt ended up drawing this way. i could start to change my art style, i could practice, but i just dont have the free time to do that anymore. i love to draw monsters, creepy, unnerving things, and thats hard when my style lends itself to cute chibi fluffy things. its not that big of a deal, but i wanted to know how others feel about their own art style. are you happy with it? has your style had any dramatic shifts? do you have any alternate styles?




well kinda yes? but like I always wanted to be able to draw more realistic stuff but sometimes I just cant. overall im fine with it but I still wanna improve it


Hell no, I'm not happy with my style! I don't hate it but I don't want to stay the same if you know what I mean? And I say "my style" but I really mean all my different art styles. Sometimes I feel like drawing one way and then drawing another way the next day you know?

I am working on it though! I have every confidence that I will improve. I want my art to look painterly and pretty! Like demian asche or vetyr's though I know I need to work really hard to achieve that level of skill/kind of style!

I've been doing figure drawing recently and I know my ability to do fullbodies has improved a lot since then! Before I couldn't bear to put pen to paper if I knew I was supposed to do a full body. But now that I know what I'm doing better I am less hesitant and more eager to jump into it!


Nope nope nope. I feel that it is too cutesy even for my own taste, while my lore is beginning to drive inti more mature and dark subjects, it feels like happy tree friends :"D also drawing masc or mature characters can be a big suffering, so im trying my best to make it feel.. Less uwu


Wait, you guys have consistent art styles? /hj

I don't necessarily have an art style yet - I'm still learning anatomy, color theory, and such! I'm just going with whatever the art market wants and implementing anything popular into what I draw, with no regard for my own tastes whatsoever. At the moment, I'm somewhat at an advantage as 'anime-ish' styles are often considered "more desired" (definitely not true - but, it's much easier to find commissioners and people to commission if that's your specification!), but what makes an artist the one and not just 'someone' to commission is their art style and the little touches they make to the piece that brings it alive. 

Honestly, I don't quite know what I want to make my artwork truly mine - clean lineart that varies in thickness to bring out their depth and highlight a character's presence appeals to me; but simultaneously, soft paintings are easier on the viewer's eyes and create a calming presence. Color is what brings a scene to life, but grays are what guide the viewers' eyes to a certain area. The character's face is usually what the viewer will notice first, but is that truly where I should put extra effort in? Deciding is a hard choice; art is a form of expression, yet I don't know what I want to express to the audience.

I don't really know what I want - but, it would be really refreshing to make the market's demands follow my style's lead due to uniqueness, instead of trying to appeal to others by having a similar art style to popular artists!


No but I probably will be in a year or so if my pattern of always thinking my older art is better than it is now currently holds. I've kinda learned to just stop worrying about it for the most part, tho I would love to find some kind of visual 'center' that makes my art more recognizable/distinct.


I like my artstyle for the most part. There is always room to improve, but my artstyle works well with my OCs and I feel like it's recognizable. I feel like my artstyle will never be extremely unique, but that doesn't bother me at all anymore.

I know when I started I didn't think I would wind up with a semi-realistic style. It just kinda happened over time as my tastes changed. 

What I dislike the most about is I don't have a solid method for backgrounds. I feel like my non-abstract backgrounds don't mesh well with how I do figure drawing. I at least do backgrounds more often now than I used to. 


I started drawing when I was around 7, and all I wanted to do was be able to draw disney-like characters

Now my style is very inspired by Disney (7yo me would've loved it) and I'm starting to drift out from that

I like how it is overall, but there's always room for improvement, and now that I have more understanding about anatomy i want to find a more personal style

I am however very happy with the way I shade, it takes a loooooooong time but I really like it

Here are some art exemples


i honestly think it's best to not think about having a style at all, it always leads people to limit themselves. "i can't draw that, it's not my style" why not? you're making up that limitation for yourself. if you wanna draw x then do it, you don't need a style license lol.


Kinda but not really! Aside from uni & related work experiance deployments eating up a lot of free time and not having my iPad set up for digital art on the go it's actually the main reason I'm on a kinda hiatus rn. 

I like how my style looks as flat colours but never completely gelled with how I shade. But that's in part because I never figured how to make shading look organic with how I like to draw thick lines with a pencil textured brush. I'm wanting to move away from shading or only have very minimal shading. I thought a rougher paintery cell shading style would work but it's ass to make and I don't really enjoy the process. It's also very time consuming and feeds into prefectionist tendancies I have problems with which can make finishing stuff a challenge. I'm looking to move towards those styles where there's minimal shading/otherwise flat colour and the work's 95% flat colour and mostly carried by texture but I have no idea what this kinda style is called so it's really hard finding tutorials for how to acchieve the kinda look I want. If this style even has a name I'd really love to know!

Since I'm currently on a leave period I am experimenting with this style but it's very slow going right now. I expected this though because I've already completely changed my style once and that took best part of 3 years. I'm only looking to change how I shade so that shouldn't take as long but still likely to be a time consuming process of trial and error.


to be honest it can look like a butt sometimes but other times i like it! to be honest it takes me longer to understand measurements and making them realistic as a result of a lack of space orientation. so i dont bother looking at references and use my current knowledge @ proportions in order to make it look right. ok ok i admit ive also been tired when i drew the first drawing but um. im aware i can put much much more effort into my drawings but thatd take me a long time and i dont have that.

my style consists of semi-realism, heading a bit towards realism with flat coloring. 



Well, first, I have many artstyles, like two or three, depends on my mood, and if I draw on digital or on paper. I like them a lot, and I'm happy that i finally found artstyles, but I wanna draw things more... scary. Like my drawings are pretty communs, and I wanna see if I'm able to draw realistics and scary things. Like monsters. Scary monsters.

It's just that.