are you happy with your artstyle?

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by AlmondGames

just a general question. 

was thinking of my own artstyle, and how its very 'cutesy'. (examples in spoiler) i do like my style, i think its cute. the problem arises with that,,,, its never how i imagined my style would end up. you see, ive always admired 'gross-out' styles. lumpy, unappealing to a wide audience, kind of just fucked up looking. i feel conflicted about my art style, because while i like it as A style, its not what i really want for my style. i have fun drawing, i like it visually, but part of me wishes that i hadnt ended up drawing this way. i could start to change my art style, i could practice, but i just dont have the free time to do that anymore. i love to draw monsters, creepy, unnerving things, and thats hard when my style lends itself to cute chibi fluffy things. its not that big of a deal, but i wanted to know how others feel about their own art style. are you happy with it? has your style had any dramatic shifts? do you have any alternate styles?




I dont like my art that much at all ;-; i wish mine would be cleaner to me its quite messy, but i have alternating styles for when i get too tired of drawing in my main style ^^
(example under spoiler)
// warning for gore under spoiler !!!!

the gore one is my alternate style the happier one is my main style -




I'd say I'm more or less content with my art style as it is. One thing I do wish for is to go back to using bright colors.


I would say I feel alright about it. There are some things I'd like to change such as wanting it to be more realistic, but that's where the practice comes in. For now, it's between realistic and cartoony, but more on the latter's side.


I hate it a bit. There are a lot of technical shortcomings in how I draw as well that don't help but overall I feel like my art is really lacking somehow. It's too chunky and cartoony but not even in a way that's visually appealing. I'm taking a long break from drawing atm bc it was stressing me out so much, that I couldn't draw in a way I was happy with. Still, I can't force change on myself, I can't unlearn everything I know about art and start over with a new style, part of the reason why I draw the way I do is because that's the shape language I've learned and that's what comes naturally to me. So I'm endeavouring to lean into it, not trying to make it different but to improve upon what I already have. Make my style more deliberate and push it until it can be something that's appealing to look at.


i don't really have one- but i have a 'main' one. it's cute i guess? my problem is that it's a little too cartoony for my current taste :c i want a slightly more realistic one, but my hand is telling me otherwise. i've never really been content with my art style honestly,, maybe one day i will though !!


Yes and no, but I'm trying to move towards painting, so we'll see


honestly not - i have certaintly regressed in technical skill since abandoning professional art training. i think i have more fun with my current style, but i feel shame when i look at older work that i did for schools that was overall better. i really need to study up on my anatomy and gestures but i'm lazy and just enjoy drawing funny little chibis or whatever. id love to have a realistic art style that was still visually appealing. i feel once i become confident in gesture and posing i might feel better about drawing overall, but im so busy with work and school right now i honestly dont have time to study art for fun lol


It's never too late to change your art style. For a good while, I had more of a semi realistic style, and now I'm going for something more cutesy. In the past,  I have gotten bored of the realistic proportions, especially since I had to drawn hands all the time (I did get pretty good at it tho). Also, it annoyed me how I couldn't get super super realistic or super cute (like now). It was always in this weird middle ground where it was just...forgettable. So I guess I'm now trying to get my style to be more distinct. I will tell you that Picasso didn't find his style until like, 30. And that was with him learning under a master/doing stuff professionally.


it really depends on my mood tbh... its either "i kinda like it :)" or "eh its alright" or "it looks terrible!!!!" and i am... not often feeling the first one. i always see other art styles i admire and think those are WAYYY better than what my actual style looks like... bc theres always something i dont like about what i make lol. 

a lot of people ive noticed say they wish their art style could be more "consistent" but i feel (in my opinion) that it is just a hindrance. theres something amazing about being able to draw several different styles (theres so much you can do, and its pretty good for an art career), and maybe if i did that i could find a way to incorporate all of my inspirations into my art... when theres NO way everything i enjoy could fit into one style bc some elements contradict each other... like id LOVE to draw somewhat like this person... but i also want to be able to draw like this and this.... but by sticking to only one art style id be trying to pull myself into so many opposing directions!! if i could sort of... build up the "courage" to actually mess around a lot with my art and have more than one art style perhaps i could reach at least some satisfaction with what my art looks like.

tldr: id say... i am absolutely NOT happy with my style. neutral at best


I used to have a very bad relationship with my work and hated everything until about the past year or so. My earliest art files are dated to 2010 so it took 10 years to finally like my art style lmfao. I started by drawing bright cutesy anime and now I'm at dark semi-realism. I never really had a set idea how I want my art to look tbh? Just yea let's draw and see where that takes me, when I was trying to imitate styles I liked it never worked for me. Just draw shit and mess around until it finally evolved into a thing I liked. It takes time to get comfortable with what you do and like it.


i really don't like it but i'm hoping when i get the chance i can just sit about and study rather than be stuck in the rut i'm in... there are only a few things i draw atm that help me make money so it feels like i've kind of trapped myself into keeping parts of my style that are lucrative, which is a bummer (not blaming anyone but myself for falling into this btw lol, i appreciate that people even purchase my drawings at all).
i feel like everyone else improves so fast and i'm like, turtle-levels of slow at learning techniques and finding shortcuts, more suitable 'looks' that mesh with my style, etc. makes it tough to want to take 5 and study just thinking like... this could take years to actually get 'comfortable' with new techniques. also knowing that i've been doing this for so long and have never felt content with anything i've done is a good factor of whether or not i'll ever be happy with my style lolol but at least i can get into a groove that looks more suitable for what i want! i gotta try and be optimistic because i'm the only person that can make this happen 🙏


It fluctuates a lot but overall I do like how I draw ;w; In a way it feels like my art style was with me since the beginning; sometimes I look at my first arts from 10 yrs ago when I started posting online, and look at my current art and although the techniques and proportions, etc. have improved quite a lot, certain aspects of the arts feel like they haven't changed, like, you can tell that the old art and the new art were drawn by the same person (though this could be just me thinking this way ^^; ). Pretty much I'm saying that there's something about my style that just seems recognizable. Maybe it's because I like to draw the same things over and over lmaooo