are you happy with your artstyle?

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by AlmondGames

just a general question. 

was thinking of my own artstyle, and how its very 'cutesy'. (examples in spoiler) i do like my style, i think its cute. the problem arises with that,,,, its never how i imagined my style would end up. you see, ive always admired 'gross-out' styles. lumpy, unappealing to a wide audience, kind of just fucked up looking. i feel conflicted about my art style, because while i like it as A style, its not what i really want for my style. i have fun drawing, i like it visually, but part of me wishes that i hadnt ended up drawing this way. i could start to change my art style, i could practice, but i just dont have the free time to do that anymore. i love to draw monsters, creepy, unnerving things, and thats hard when my style lends itself to cute chibi fluffy things. its not that big of a deal, but i wanted to know how others feel about their own art style. are you happy with it? has your style had any dramatic shifts? do you have any alternate styles?




My style is a bit cartoonish when I want it to be a touch more realistic and then a bit too realistic when I want it to be a little more cartoonish. My style is kinda in a rut considering I draw mostly horses and when I try to branch out to other stuff it looks really weird and not proportional. I know my style has a ways to go, it's mostly getting out of the rut first and expanding what I draw and relying on stock photos less for poses. 

Here's a example of my current style: 


I feel exactly like you. My main style ( X ) is pretty cutesie which is annoying. I started to push myself really hard and it has gotten better (but for some things this style actually fits and I actually like it). That doesn´t mean it´s bad at all but unfitting and frustrating when nothing looks like how you imagined it.  

For example, my more badass and cool, epic, characters always turned out cute which is just awful, and everyone only associated them with that theme. which.. isn´t surprising at all, but bothering, also for me personally when I view them.

Take this piece for example, just drawn recently. This character is supposed to look hot/epic/wild and not a cute innocent guy or something which I think I managed fairly well. In the past, he turned out more like this which is very unfitting and boring. 

I also have the same issue with my animal characters. Take this for example . he is grumpy/mad but it still appears cute, which is mainly because of the shape of the eyes I believe. This has gotten better recently tho. *gore warning right here the shape of the eyes are more sharp and small. which definitely helps to make the character look more serious. as well as in this one as well.


overall, I´m not 100% satisfied BUT I´m not disappointed in myself anymore. I used to, especially when I didn´t tried new things and stuck to the same stuff.


I'm mostly ok with my general "style" right now, but in the long term, I do tend to dislike it's inconsistency, if that makes sense. I'm always trying to find what kind of elements (ways to interpret the world, per se) appeals to me the most, but given how this changes on the whim, struggle to settle on something that always works. I'm ok with now but... a bit concerned that it's staggering my growth overall SJDOFIJ since i have no distinctive goal. There's always the struggle of anatomy vs style too >> one part of me want more realistic proportions but the other struggles to incorporate that into the current style, so def a lot of wip.


I do like my style, its a nice mix of 2/4 cartoon, 1.3/4 of realism, and the rest anime-ish, I've been told by a lot of people that they like my art too which helps me appreciate mine, I know i have a few things i should work on in my style **cough** feet **cough** but hey that's just part of the process


i am! mine’s very anime-y which isn’t necessarily good or bad but there are a lot of more generic anime styles that i don’t like and makes art look sort of lifeless to me and I think mine retains some. aspects specific to me even though i can’t really name what they are which makes me happy, either way i just love drawing so my style isn’t really a problem to me and all my art inspirations barely have anything in common too so it’s not like there’s anything very specific that i want to draw like


I’m happy with my art-style rn, I have stuff to improve on like drawing women but I don’t really enjoy drawing women as much either way... I can say my art-style is my own and something I can show off without feeling I could do massively better when I felt inadequate for a while. It takes a long time to get to your comfort level, mine somewhere around 21 or so?

If you aren’t happy with your art, practice changing things up. There’s no harm in trying a few times and reverting if it didn’t work out. Art’s about exploring bay beeee


I have multiple artstyles. One day I'd be drawing cartoons and the next day, generic anime illustrations. I also have no problem replicating them, ever. My problem here, however, is how I never really stick with one. Sure, I'll come back and fourth with them, but I don't really have a trademark™️ artstyle (Though I guess I've only really posted cartoony here and drawn anime once on-site). On the upside, I have an easy time copying other's artstyles and from what I've heard that is a necessary skill to learn if you wanna get in the animation industry, which is what I've been thinking of doing either way.


i both like and hate my artstyle lol
on some days i think it looks good but then i think harder and suddenly i absolutely hate it...
i also think its a matter of aesthetics and i cant seem to pin myself down to one so i end up having like ... multiple different styles as well
sometimes i like semi-realism! sometimes i like bright eyed anime. its just super annoying have all these styles and never being able to polish (?) them well enough to a place where i actually like it.
i think my ideal art is a semirealism similar to splash art for games, but also something aesthetically (?) pleasing like yamamori mika's art ! i dont think ill ever get there though, and thats why i try not to think about it too often lol