Artist pet peeves master thread

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by Petalofdreams

Hello friends!

I thought it'd be fun to create a thread so people can share stories  of their artist pet peeves. What do you hate about the community? what  do you hate about some people in the community? Is there something you absolutely hate but was never really able to say it out loud? Your chance is now! 

Personally i really dislike it when people gatekeep stuff. Art is for  everyone and should be for everyone. If you want to draw something then  go for it unless it's outright hateful.  You don't have to have amazing  skills to do art. You don't have to be a certain way. You're an artist  alright? alright.

2021 edit: Thank you all for being respectful of each other! Its great seeing the differentiation of opinions and have an open minded discussion about it. Thats what i wanted. So thank you!


i get that this will likely never change just based on the different nature of the two mediums, but dang it if it isn’t discouraging as all hell when you spend hours writing something and nobody reads/interacts with it because they just see it as a boring wall of text. juxtaposed with visual art, a completed image offers instant gratification and people can interact/admire it in passing.

i get it. i get why. it takes all of 5 seconds to appreciate a picture and potentially 5+ minutes for a story, even if they took the same amount of time/effort to create. in my heart of hearts i know it’s not true, but it makes me feel like creative writing is less valid or less appreciated than visual art.

hell, the fact that i wasn’t even sure if this post should go in this topic or not reinforces these feelings. are authors even considered artists?

ugh. i wish i could draw.
feel free to @/dm.


I have a lot but I will say a few, one thing when you get a compliment from someone and praises the art like its a masterpiece (I also had an art teacher in the middle school who thought I was the new Picasso or something like that it's unrelated but oh well lol) or something like that and start whining that they suck at drawing they never will be good as you, they can only draw a stick figure. Nobody was born an artist, everyone starts somewhere, and anyone can learn how to draw, now if the person is actually genuine and they are willing to learn how to draw instead of complaining then I don't have a problem. Another thing it's a bit nitpicky but it still annoys me to no end, is when people refer to art as a talent and not a skill. It's not like someone was born and boom they are an artist or one day they decided to put some art supplies under their pillow and boom the next day they are an artist. That's not how it works, art needs time and effort to develop, I could write a whole long rant about those two things, but I'm not gonna ramble here.

That thing that people say that anime is not art or digital art is not art, its only traditional art "real art" you have to touch it sMeLlll it xD Idk I just cant understand their logic, if a drawing doesn't meet their standards it's not real art.....

I also hate one thing that I deeply hate when people commenting on a drawing saying something like"wheres her organs?!", "have you seen a woman before?" stuff like that and immediately assumes it's a male artist. Like its a fictional character their not real, for an example there's this anime called JoJo Bizard adventure it kind of unrealistic with most of the male characters being buff and muscular(which is not bad, the designs are cool, I haven't watched the show much tho)that i haven't seen, anyone complaining about that show?? (they shouldn't anyway, neither the other drawing). Most things that annoy me are stupid drama hahaha... I also have a lot of personal art peeves which I'm not gonna mention cause i don't want this post to be too long but also fuck anatomy.......

(Derelict I can kinda relate to that, it's a shame that writing is as much appreciated as visual art(or that's how I feel at least) I highly consider writing as another form of art. But don't let any of that bring you down writing is 100% valid as much is visual art. I myself love both, like just looking at an artwork and taking more time reading something that someone took the time and effort to write. I personally not that good at writing but that doesn't bother me that means I can improve by writing more and practicing more, my writting and also my English! Writing is a beautiful art form and something that you can express yourself ^^)


this is such a dumb pet peeve but it always makes me roll my eyes when people draw character and say "omg so thicc 😍!!!"  when they're clearly............... not that............... it's fine  if they're not thicc, it's fine if they don't have a butt i promise it's  alright. (if it's a matter of drawing skill levels, that's a different  story)

the more specific one i'm talking about are people drawing (or trying to draw) beefy characters. honestly, i am NOT an expert on drawing anatomy and  buff characters myself i can admit that, but it just. it's so confusing  when people call a character being ripped as hell and the drawing  consists of drawing the anatomy correctly but..... they just draw the  anatomy and not actually bother to bulge out the muscles more. if you  want a meaty character give them the meat!!! give them some mass!!! give them more fat and muscles, i promise it's fine!!!  like, for some reason people draw a skinny character then look at that and say "oh if you draw the lines defining the character's abs, obliques, biceps, triceps, deltoids, abductors, quads, etc. after then the character automatically becomes beefy!" when it actually just makes the  character look like a terrifying anatomy model trying to look sexy.  (plus isn't it more unhealthy to look like that?)

and i get it,  there's different types of bodies and even moreso for different sports,  like bodybuilders, weight lifters, gymnastics, etc. but my  problem is just. seeing an anatomy diagram shaped character being  yielded as "the correct art tutorial on drawing beefy characters" on twitter, or seeing people call those characters "thicc" when they have the flattest of pecs or glutes of all time. i roll my eyes so hard

ETA: if the wikipedia definition for bara art literally has the line "men with varying degrees of muscle, body fat, and body hair, akin to bear or bodybuilding culture" and then people flood the tag w/ in game genshin impact models, of course i'm gonna roll my eyes. like, don't use terms you literally don't know what they are like how you shouldn't throw heavy terms around like simple insults. it's not gatekeeping when people are using the terms incorrectly in the first place and i complain about it. plus my biggest complaint was people basically doing the equivalent of filling the anthro tag w/ kemonos and insisting that they're right and that those characters belong in the anthro tag. if it's someone who legitimately misunderstands, has a different view on what "buff" or whatever means, or has a different drawing skill level, that is literally a whole other conversation that i wasn't even talking about in the first place. it's people using the wrong words all over the place and insisting they're right is what makes me roll my eyes. i'm a literal fat guy, showing me some skinny model and calling them "sexy thicc" is what makes me eyeroll since i've always been fat af and called such in an insulting tone, i know what thicc looks like bc i'm literally that. and i'm obviously not going to shove my face into others berating them about this stupid pet peeve bc i'm already aware of how stupid it is, so i'm gonna complain about it privately. this is literally called the artist pet peeves thread, what else did you think i would put here?? shut up and let people enjoy things, but also shut up and let people complain about shit on their own time i already admitted this was a dumb pet peeve too


People draw my fetish knees wrong all the time. You call that a knee?? That has no structure, no mass, how am I supposed to imagine it stepping on me???


I guess this isn’t that big of a deal but-

When an artist posts a tutorial on how they draw something in their artstyle (commonly with ‘Do X, Don’t Do X’), and the comments are full of stuff like:

  • “you cant make me draw like that!! >:(”  
  • “Um actually I do x instead.”
  • ”Theres more than one way to draw. Stop making people do x!” 
  • “The way they say not to do x looks better.”

Its like ????? Um hey you guys realize its just a tutorial right? No one is forcing you to draw a certain way, its just a guide for consideration 😭


I think this fits best in this thread? When there's a very dark colored character . Let's say a black bunny oc and people choose another dark color for the background... there are ways to make this work but in most cases I just don't get it. The character doesn't stand out in any way and it's very unappealing.  I experienced this a lot myself with gift art or even commissions. People choose the darkest background colors for my dark characters.  That If your screen isn't on high brightness it's hard to tell what's going on.. 

Doing it for example in a night scene, with different decent light sources making the character appear normal and clear,  or for example a dark glowing (neon) background or night sky are great and I don't mind this in any way. I'm a fan actually if done right.  But the dark backgrounds (mainly solid color) for no reason to let the dark characters literally disappear are just awful. (Mainly in portraits, headshots full-bodys etc. No scenery or anything) Idk what the purpose behind this is but I wish this could be avoided. It's a general pet peeve.  Like not only when it happens with my characters. With any 


unpopular one but when PEOPLE DONT ADD THE GOD DAMN COLOR PALETTE TO THE REFERENCE OF THE OC and the oc isn't easy to color pick



- Anthro/furry characters all looking the same. I especially see this with canines, most of them have the same generic body type/style
- "Stop telling people how to draw >:(" on like every do/don't tutorial. If you don't want to follow the advice. Just... don't...
- Guilt tripping disguised as "praise." It's so incredibly annoying having people say shit like "my art is so bad, I wish I could draw like you :(" Like cool, I couldn't care less. As a wise man once said, "git gud scrub"
- Animal AND human ears on the same character, seriously whhhhyyyyyy

Edit to add: Stop using black to shade coloured pieces. It makes everything look muddy