Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


Anyway, here's some of mine:

- I thought dandelion flowers and dandelion puffs were two different plants and that only the puffs were dandelions.

-  I thought the  song “Mary Had A Little Lamb” said “his face was white as snow” and not “his fleece was white as snow”. I know it makes no sense cause their faces aren't usually the only thing white, but I didn't know what the word "fleece" was. I was eight.

- Kinda embarrassing but when I first read Warriors when I was ten I thought the insults the cats used were actually good insults to use on people online. I'd purposely find videos of people being mean to cats and post comments calling them mouse-brains and fox-hearts. It still haunts me to this day...


That moms have a third eye on the back of their head. My mom told me and my brother about that “fact“ and I cannot believe I fell for that. I should of thought it was suspicious when I asked about dads and my mom said “no, only moms have 3 eyes.” What?


I believed the dandelion thing too because I didn't know how they'd be the same plant!

I remember being told that if you drive with the car like on you'd get pulled over. I believed that for way too long because I never thought of questioning it


i thought that if you ordered something off the internet it would come in through the screen

dunno how i ever thought that was true because i must have seen packages? but i was like four LMAO


The all dogs are boys and all cats are girls was something my brother believed, but with specific dog breeds. He thought as poodles were girls and all shepherds were boys, and no amount of reasoning would change his mind about it. I think he stopped believing in that once he reached 8 years old.


when me and my siblings were young my parents told us that a mythical moon creature would give us nice dreams if we behaved well. Kind of random xd. but now that i've remembered this i want to make a character based off this moon creature.




This made sense to me well into my adult life because I had a lot of logical leaps that made it believable, but when I was a kid my mom told me that if I ran around the house, the vibrations would cause whatever treat she had in the oven (brownies, cake, cupcakes, etc) wouldn't rise / would go flat. Seeing as breads and cupcakes and things have air in them and air rises, I thought until sometime last year that it's possible. You can tap the air out of other things, after all. There was also this one cartoon where someone stuck a toothpick in a bread or cake and it went flat not unlike air escaping a balloon, and that 100% solidified it in my smoothbrain. 


Family: The theme park only opens at 6:30pm.
Me: But why are the rides running?
Family: They're just testing them.

I only realized when I was like fourteen that they LIEDDDD.


I used to think that the Tooth Fairy was a guy in drag, who would take my baby teeth, and turn them into porcelain statues. It was really crazy, lol.


That the trees near my old elementary school came to life at night.

In my old neighborhood there were those neighborhood watch signs that had the three houses with eyes design. I thought it meant the houses also came alive and had eyes and was watching me. I was terrified for the next hour.


both car related, there's probs heaps more bc i was a dumb kid but these are the things i thought of first:

- 'no drinking and driving' thought it meant any drinks. used to yell at my mum for drinking coke, water, or coffee behind the wheel

- my mum used to tell me that u could tell when cars were alarmed and for some reason i thought the alarm was the rubber bit that sticks out from the tyre u pump air into? anyway