Things you learned at an embarrassingly late age

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by MiscBoardMod

I saw this thread on reddit the other day and it was an overall pretty funny thread just because of some of the things people haven't learned until much later and some people who have had the same thing happen!

Now to be clear, do NOT  make fun of ANYONE in this thread!! It's only to share funny little stories and giggles etc, but please don't be rude to others about it! Some things may be obvious to you, while it's not the same for everyone! 

As always, if there is any sensitive content that you feel may need to be blacked out, please do so!

There's not much more to add to this, so go wild!


when i was like 5-8 i pronounced elevator as "alligator''


apparently, hoodies need to be washed? I learned that when I was like 17. It never occurred to me that they get dirty as well and actually need to be put in the laundry. 


also, I as well, thought babies came out of the butt when I was little until like 14. 


that google docs come with premade mla and apa formats. holy crap is it a blessing.


story related to swearing below if anyone is uncomfortable w that
so, I live in Canada and my parents are immigrants, so I know both English and my mother tongue.  I usually use the latter at home but we also have family friends who come over to speak the language, so you can imagine.
anyway, there was this one word i had picked up from my mother when I was about 10, and I believed the word meant something along the lines of "for god's sake" - an expression of sorts right.
well at the soft and tender age and 16 my mom started questioning me about why I was using that word (SIX YEARS LATER) and she then enlightened me that it's actually akin to "for f***'s sake".
i had been saying that to family friends and relatives for SIX YEARS at that point.  probably my most embarassing moment, but hey, it makes for a good story LOL.


Nonstop Same. Exactly the same. In fact it's what I came here to say until I saw you had already, and now I feel a little better.

On a similar note, I was a lot older than is acceptable when I learned the name Penelope is not in fact pronounced Penny-loap.


I was in my teens when I learned Chuck Mangione was a real person. I thought he was just a character in King of the Hill.
Also that Dairy Queen wasn't a Texas only franchise. 


I didn't take off training wheels off my bike until I was 11 or 12. I still get anxious while riding a bike without training wheels because I'm afraid that if I go too slow I'll fall off.

Not that late compared to a few other people but still something interesting.


Alright this is gonna sound stupid but unTIL I WAS ABOUT TEN I THOUGHT THAT FEMALE CATS DIDN'T EXIST?? I had never seen one so I just assumed :'D


Also I thought epitome (said) and epitome (read, like epi-tome) were different words until I was 13? Not sure why lmao


Okay before anybody reads this you need to know: I'm an idiot and this story will convince you

I didn't know what hentai was until this year. Kids on the bus would be like "lol u weeb u probs watch hentai lollll" and while I am an anime fan I just thought Hentai was the name of an anime people used as a joke like Pokemon. This was Friday, and my friend came over for a sleepover, and I say "for the memes let's watch Hentai" and she, not even liking anime atm, was like "mkay I guess"

2 am, episode 3 of Boku No Pico... I've permanently damaged my soul,  and I still play the theme song to give my friend war flash backs. I know what hentai is now.


I was about 12-13 when I learned that the terms "gun-point" and "knife-point" weren't actual times... they were a way of committing crimes...


So, chicken cutlet was first introduced to me as a really tiny chicken drumstick.

Then, little me saw a lamb cutlet, saw that it was a little bit bigger than a chicken cutlet, so therefore a lamb cutlet must come from the leg of a really tiny lamb! 

And didn't actually figure out that it was actually lamb rib until quite recently . . . 


Never knew how to pronounce meme until one day my lil bro laughed at me when he heard me saying "me me"