Things you learned at an embarrassingly late age

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by MiscBoardMod

I saw this thread on reddit the other day and it was an overall pretty funny thread just because of some of the things people haven't learned until much later and some people who have had the same thing happen!

Now to be clear, do NOT  make fun of ANYONE in this thread!! It's only to share funny little stories and giggles etc, but please don't be rude to others about it! Some things may be obvious to you, while it's not the same for everyone! 

As always, if there is any sensitive content that you feel may need to be blacked out, please do so!

There's not much more to add to this, so go wild!


I'm 24 and I only recently found out about tax codes and how it affects tax payment. Even then I only found out because mum was complaining that hers is too high and she made a comment about mine being too low and I didn't understand why this was an issue.


I thought there was 51 states in the US. Learned there where 50 from lyrics of song, "I'd kill you but it's frowned upon in all 50 states.." wait what.

Also like for the longest time I thought malaria was a virus/bacteria and kelp was a plant?? turns out they are both protists


It took me until I was 16 to learn that a gang bang is not actually about a gang beating up another gang, and I am still embarrassed about the convo that led to me realising I was using the word completely wrong l'D

Also, so many English words I've been consistently using wrong. Far too many to list. Actually looking up some words instead of using them from the context I always saw them in is always a little heart attack closer to grey hair.


I'm 20 and I still don't know how to swim. Not even a little bit. Throw me into a deep water and I'll immediately sink

I'm not a native speaker. Just a month ago a found out that I was writing huuuge amounts of words wrong this entire time after I installed Chrome autocorrect extension to help me with profiles to avoid typos. I'M STILL MAD HOW WAS I THE BEST IN ENGLISH FROM OUR CLASS WITH THAT


Um I just learned today that Jack Jack is named Jack Jack because he's a Jack of all trades??

And Violet for UltraViolet

Dash for dashing 

,,,,,ahhhhh sweet bliss of knowledge.


when i was like 8 i thought bras were for to make girls boobs bigger... guess i was wrong

also i like just found out pickles are pickled cucumbers?? i thought they were like a whole separate food omg


clockwork that is such a weird idea did you never get swimming class or anything?

also you won't sink if you keep your lungs full of air and don't struggle too much if you do end up in water you'll just get tired and drown faster


I only recently learned what an enema was. I specifically learned about coffee ones in particular and i can no longer look at coffee the same way


apparently faux isn't pronounced how it's written

i also thought subtle was a different word but no subtle is what it is and isn't spelled 'suttle'



our swimming classes were absolutely useless waste of time. the few kids including me that couldn't swim were totally ignored and we didn't learn a damn thing. good job


I am almost 30 and I also never learned how to swim. |D I never learned how to ride a bike, either...


Backstory: I was homeschooled until 4th grade and.... Not really sheltered but I guess I just never picked up on certain stuff and uh

until 6th grade I thought that when you learned a language your brain would automatically like, translate those words into English for you

I didn't think you have have to learn a whole new set of words to speak that language



I still don't know how to skate (roller skate, ice skate, skateboard, etc.), ride a bike, blow a balloon, blow a bubblegum, or whistle.

Also, when I was little, I used to think that babies came out of either the butt or the mouth xD  And I also thought that women just get automatically pregnant when they reach adulthood xP


I believed in Santa and the Tooth Fairy till middle school lmao!