Things you learned at an embarrassingly late age

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by MiscBoardMod

I saw this thread on reddit the other day and it was an overall pretty funny thread just because of some of the things people haven't learned until much later and some people who have had the same thing happen!

Now to be clear, do NOT  make fun of ANYONE in this thread!! It's only to share funny little stories and giggles etc, but please don't be rude to others about it! Some things may be obvious to you, while it's not the same for everyone! 

As always, if there is any sensitive content that you feel may need to be blacked out, please do so!

There's not much more to add to this, so go wild!


It took me until I was 16 to learn that porkchops are not made of chicken.


Like some others in this thread, I did not know how to commute until I entered college (out of practicality because traffic here is a killer). Uh, I still don't know how the drive and I'm graduating next year :') I also don't know how to ride a bike. huhu.


"Let's Get Physical" is not about exercising.

Also, netflix and chill is NOT what I thought it was. -sits with my hot chocolate and blankets-


brussel sprouts are just baby cabbages

I thought they were a completely different vegetable


I thought for a long time that Sydney was the capital of Australia. I only found out like last year or something that they weren't when I was taking a quiz. I'd never even heard of Canberra or Brasilia prior to then. 

I also didn't realize that Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau are two different places. Maybe I just didn't pay attention in school or something, but I only found out that there's actually 3 Auschwitz camps when I was visiting Poland last summer. I thought there was only one. 

Also, I have friend who found out at 16 years old that it's "pulled pork" and not "cold pork." We were working at a summer camp together and we were having pulled pork for dinner one night. We were waiting to get our food and she said "I never really understood why they call it cold pork when it's not even cold." I was just like "Oh wow I have some news for you." 


Faunicorn that's actually something I learned like 1 month ago, too. ...I'm turning 23 this year LMAO


Ships can be considered a boat but not all boats are ships- my navy mother and marine father when they realized their seventeen year old didn't know the difference last week 


I just learned literally 2 days ago that cucumbers are pickles... it's just that the pickles are put in garlic + vinegar or something. My entire world crashed down around me


It took me until today (24 years) to figure out that inches and feet work VERY differently from how I thought they do.


I only knew a month ago that you could clean your ears with olive oil.