Things you learned at an embarrassingly late age

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by MiscBoardMod

I saw this thread on reddit the other day and it was an overall pretty funny thread just because of some of the things people haven't learned until much later and some people who have had the same thing happen!

Now to be clear, do NOT  make fun of ANYONE in this thread!! It's only to share funny little stories and giggles etc, but please don't be rude to others about it! Some things may be obvious to you, while it's not the same for everyone! 

As always, if there is any sensitive content that you feel may need to be blacked out, please do so!

There's not much more to add to this, so go wild!


Until last week I had no idea Albuquerque was a real place. I just thought it was a made up place Bugs Bunny kept saying he should have made that turn at


Never learned how to ride a bike, but I did try (read: failed)


I didn't know about that rubber duck thing until I read it on the first page and I'm 19...

Uhh lets see... I didnt take my training wheels off my bike til I was 7. Idk if thats later than usual or not tho
I still have my driving permit and no liscene.

nsfw below

I thought a rimjob had something to do with tires until a couple months ago


ok so back then i was watching the TV and saw the eiffel tower 
and i was like woah that's so tall maybe i could see it sometime 
and i keep on looking whenever we're outside but when I don't see it I'm just oh well, we're probably not in a high enough place to see it 

in comes my 12th birthday and i finally realized 
Eiffel Tower is in France
I live in the Philippines 


Until I was 16 or 17 or something I always thought that probably would be written like "probadly". I never noticed until a friend pointed it out to me a few times.

Sadly I can't even pull the "I'm not a native speaker so it's okay!" card as I had something similar in German too.... Always thought it would be "jediglich"... but it's actually "lediglich"... another friend pointed it out to me when I was 16.


That your life isnt going to be all put together when you reach 20. You're not going to have a gigantic house, 2 pets, kids, a rich husband/wife, and a well paying desk job by 20, young del. 

(yeah, thats what I thought life would be like. I blame lifetime, hallmark movies, and disney channel live action movies)

I also just learned narwhals are an actual thing irl a few months back. My mind is still blown, honestly.

Barely counts but I still don't know how to

  • Cook (even microwaves terrify me)
  • Clean
  • Tie shoelaces, or anything for that matter
  • Drive
  • Swim


I didn't learn about male genitals until I was 13. Only reinforced I am a lesbian.

Rebecca Snowflight Accela

I'm 13 and I still can't ride a bike without training wheels. Ain't that a sad thing?

Also I thought Ukraine was still apart of Russia until literally yesterday


Not something I learned, per se, but I turn 19 next month and last night I had my first McDonalds burger.


until like mid high school i didn't realize that the word "xenophobia" has connotations with fearing foreigners, racism, and being against immigration and whatnot... i was always just under the impression it just straight-up meant "fear of strangers" as in like social anxiety and being afraid of unfamiliar people and i didn't think it had any other implications. i had never heard the word in any other context than generic lists of phobias on the internet (i've always been a big fan of labels and regularly searched for ones to apply to myself for fun back then) so i thought i was just using a cool obscure fancy word i could use for my paranoia and anxiety. so i'd just nonchalantly be like "oh yeah i have xenophobia" because i - a big nerd - always liked using the fanciest words possible in conversation... i remember one time some kid was like "wow... i didn't know that about you" and i didn't really understand his response

but now... i do


also i never learned how to ride a bike and probably never will... though in all fairness we didn't really have money for bikes until i hit double digits and by then no one was willing to get me something with training wheels because i was a Big Kid(tm) and things like kneepads were extra money so i just didn't learn bc i was too afraid of falling down... i still am... i do not enjoy injury and i can barely walk down the hall without falling over much less ride a wobbly wheely doohickey