✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


Caine I always get my best inspiration when I've already turned in for the night, and it's usually around 1 or 2 AM. Then I have to fight the urge to break out the laptop and start writing, cause I KNOW it'll only hurt my already wonky sleeping schedule :'D

And my writing is, or was going kind of meh, then I got inspiration that helped me get past a scene I was stuck at.  Gonna shoot for 5,280 words by Friday, though if I focus I know I can get past that pretty easily. Assuming I don't get distracted ;w;


Caine, I've been busy with work. Had to fire one of my employees and then a co-worker informed they are moving back up north in a month so we've been scrambling to cover everyone. Plus school started so I'm knee deep in Marketing and Human Sexual Behavior. 

I've made it to chapter three with Fernweh. Just need to do some editing and such and I'll be able to start on chapter four. I usually listen to music or make playlist for my characters when I need inspiration. Of course, a good walk helps get the juices flowing too.


Bumping some life back to this thread 

Also reminder there is a thread where you can post short extracts of your wips etc! https://toyhou.se/~forums/5865.forum-games/41170.post-your-written-line-you-really-like 


i barely write anymore, but hello?!

✒️ Who are you? 

Lenn, 23 year old illutrator/designer from Indonesia.
✒️ How long have you been writing? 

I wrote poetry and lyrics since I was in elementary, but I only delved into stories when I got into Big Bang. I wrote shippy fics when I was in college, so maybe 2013ish. I don't write stories anymore-- found out I'm really bad at coming up with stories. Stories are difficult. I only write snippets of diary entries or stream of consciousness based poetry.
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

English. I'm horrid at writing in my mother tongue QAQ
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

Poetry and lyrics. Freeform stuff. I'm heavily influenced by rap music, and love writing pieces that literally speaks to the reader the most (using you, like speaking through the piece). Ideally I'd love writing short stories, because I can't picture myself writing a novel, but I can't even come up with the shortest of stories now... I can't seem to express myself in drawings that good, so I like to keep that part in my writing, therefore all the poetry.
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

I'M SORRY I DON'T WRITE STORIES... I'm bad at it... but all my writing is just about me too so does that make me a genre? I don't know what it's called. I don't read poetry as much as I write it.
✒️ Any current writing projects? 

none. I'm very preoccupied with drawing and work at this moment. I write verses here and there. I'm astonished by how many people on this site have their projects with OCs. I'm envious, you're all so cool and creative!


oooh a writing thread

✒️ Who are you?
Amelia~ 25. From Ontario, Canada. Uhh, I like writing and arting and have two cats and am married

✒️ How long have you been writing?
I've enjoyed writing since I was...ten(debatable if it was good enough to be considered writing..but eh, not that my writing is all that great now either xD)

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
I really only know english ._.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
A lot of things. Action, adventure, comedy(subtle because what even is humour?), a bit of SciFi, spooky and psychological stuff, some romance, supernatural stuff, magical and superpower type things and post apocalyptic and futuristic settings. Ehh and I just really like writing for characters that seem really realistic and go through experiences that make them seem real. That's probably the whole point of writing and I'm dumb but... I'm still kinda new to the whole writing for myself thing. It was always just silly school projects that I busted out last minute and never put any real thought into. But character and world building has been incredibly fun for me these past 3-4 years that I've been working on my project. And I've just started sitting down and writing it out this past year and a half.

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
Uhhh, basically everything above, heh

✒️ Any current writing projects?
Yep. All of my characters are involved in the project in some way. So far I have one part fully planned, a second part being planned and a third and probably fourth part still very much in the works. Is a story about experiments in a post apocalyptic/monster filled world. They travel through a lot of hard times while trying to be normal people and live nice lives. This doesn't exactly work out for them. There's multiple worlds to this story and some of the characters are thrust into different worlds. It's kind of a constant fish out of water story and learning to make the best of what they've got without going mental with all the heartbreak and horrors they face.
My characters Aly and Blue are the mains throughout the whole story and Cuyler (Hudd), Lucy and Zain are the side characters for the first part.


Nice to see new faces again! 

I know this is a super chill hangout thread but feel free to suggest things you'd like to be discussed if there are any! Also feel free to share your experiences with original fiction writing sites, since I'm personally on a quest to find the Best site for that kind of content haha


Caine what do you mean by fiction writing site? tbh this intrigues me too. Would def be interested in something like that 


@millymarauder I mean sites that either focus on original fiction or at least allow it! Because there are writing sites like AO3 who are writing only, but they don't actually accept original fiction (their original fiction tag is actually for fandom related original content, like fan characters or characters created from fan-ish content i.e gijinkas) and they have made it really clear non-fannish original content is not wanted there. 

I'm currently registered on these sites for writing:

  • Quotev
  • Royalroad 
  • Wattpad 
  • deviantart 
  • tumblr 
  • also nano forums, but it's not for content posting obviously 
  • oh and there is tapastic, but I haven't posted yet because I want to post only longer stories there and not short stories

Caine Oooooh I see! I've heard of wattpad and royalroad but have never looked too far into them. What're they all about?
Not exactly the same thing that you're looking for but, I recently heard about Tapas and it's really interesting! Uh, I don't think I can explain it very well, so here. It's basically a place for web comics and web novels to be published. You can also have an account just to enjoy the works submitted. I think your first comic/novel is free to read(mine was xD)?? There is quite a variety on there. I haven't checked it out too much, but I've enjoyed what I've seen so far~



Wattpad is a site people generally recommend but in my opinion it's kind of... uh. The average userbase's age on the forum seems to be approximately 16, for starters, so interacting on the already kind of sucky forums can be a bit of a bother really. And short stories don't seem to really fare there well as people expect long stories they can follow in real time, except they won't read them if the chapters are TOO long. Someone once said the chapter has to be less than 2000 words to catch the attention of the users there, haha. But it's a site a lot of people use despite not hanging out in the forums so I understood if you have a bigger story and it suits the interest of the majority then it can be a really good stepping stone to getting more visible. 

RoyalRoad on the other hand is god tier site in terms of like layout and how the system works, but majority of the works there are strictly harem/hentai/lit RPG. I once tried to go through tags like gay and LGBT+ and got literally like one story from there, so it's not the kind of site where I personally will get any visibility due to the genres and nature of my works.  

These are just my opinions though! 

I actually edited tapastic on my list really quick after replying haha. But yeah I know of it and I have an account there too (gotta read all those mlm comics), just waiting for perfectionist butt to get some longer stories actually done and beta read so I could start submitting there ; v ; 



ugh that sounds..not so nice?? Seems like people are picky. Which, I understand, I'm pretty picky about what I read...but 2000 words is a really short chapter. Oml.
Ahh that's all fair.
lol I didn't notice your edit. sorry ^^;
I'm thinking I might put my books up there whenever ...I finish them. I just really like the feel of it. But we'll see, I might not put anything up anywhere. 'cause i'm really shy x.x
And yus, the mxm stuff is great xDDD


@millymarauder To be fair all sites are what you make them, so I feel like my opinions might change when I get to upload longer works with a specific upload speed! But yeah omg I agree 2000 words feels like very little, but on wattpad's layout the text space is SO narrow even the shortest of chapter looks very long, and that's probably precisely why people cut their chapters into super small parts. 

But yeah I think tapastic seems like the most professional looking and "proper" choice if you want to post your work somewhere, since the mods are actually active, the community is large and isn't just limited to a certain age group really.


That's very true!! And I guess that's understandable if the layout is like that.

Is tapastic it's old name or something? O.o
Definitely nice to have active mods. I'm in a few writers groups and they said that the staff are pretty good at responding/communicating and helping people out how have inquiries about various things.


@millymarauder omg I didn't even notice it's tapas now; I still use the old tapastic url and it leads me to the right place so I didn't notice omg.... 

And yee active mods are a huge plus because on most other writing sites the content is completely unfiltered and really nasty hateful garbage that's against the site rules gets uploaded there & is actually praised by others