✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


ONE MONTH UNTIL NANOWRIMO!! The first thing I did in the morning was to open nano and submit a new novel project 


I always end up doing more writing in september and october and when november hits, i get a block xDDD


So according to my wordcount app I last wrote over 20 days ago.  Oops ^^;

But I managed about 500 words today and despite abandoning the writing in the middle of a scene, I got back into it pretty easily.


Caine I know! *begins panicking* I haven't thought much about what my WIP will be for November. All I know is that it will be more traditional medevial fantasy as opposed to High Fantasy like my main WIP. It should be kind of interesting...

@millymarauder Pffft xD I've been writing since April. Well actually, probably even earlier than that. So I've actually been feeling pretty burned, or drained. I should probably take a break before November, but, but... my book is still in need of editing ;w;


✒️ Who are you? 

So, I go by DeadNoize, Mo, etc, I have too many names, honestly. I'm 21, and a college student that's striving to be a professional writer, although math is really keeping me back from that, quite honestly. I really enjoy creating my own stories and the like, since it keeps me focused.

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

Oh jeez, I honestly can't remember how long I've been writing, but it's been for quite awhile. My first 'big' story was when I was in Junior High School and it was some... Cringy Naruto oc thing that was like... thirty or so pages long. Goodness, I still have it too. 

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

Preferred language is English, of course, but I'll add in other languages depending on which character I am writing about.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

Aaaah this is a tough one. I really enjoy writing about anything, but my favorite is writing stories that focus on one aspect of a character, like say a part of their life that isn't the backstory that I've written for them or place them into situations they'd never be in or really dislike. I love writing scenes and thing that would make people turn away like murder, torture, the r etc. I'm not necessarily afraid, but I don't show many people my writing for a reason. I'd rather not offend. 

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

Hmm... Modern, fantasy, etc... It really depends on the characters that I'm writing about. 

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Yes, actually! I have story arcs here, but I'm also working on a Dragon Age story with two ocs that I really want to make a full blown story out of. I really love Dragon Age and it's my favorite game ever... Hhh...



Haha probs a good idea. It's so hard to stop once you get a good rhythm going. I haven't do a super amount of writing this year. But the last few months I've been pumping out some solid stuff for my books c: I've settled for writing out scenes that spark inspiration to my writing, instead of just doing it start to finish, cause that was draining me and I ended up in ruts way easy. Idk the 'best' way to do this, but scene writing seems to be going well so far. Can stitch it together later ^^

What's your story about?


@millymarauder It's great when you are able to get a rhythm going for writing. Scene writing is a good way to do it. If I'm ever stuck, sometimes I'll jump ahead and write another scene. I sometimes break through a rut that I'll have been in that way :D

As for the story I'm writing, it's centered around a young noble as she struggles to lead a kingdom during a time of war, while its king and queen are missing. It's all the more difficult for her since she will one day be queen. It's got action, politics between kingdoms, little tidbits about different war strategies and even romance (though not until later on). 


Yuh, I think my problem is I can't stay focused on one thing for too long and end up bored or antsy because I want to get ahead and write something in the future of the plot xD Although I did recently write a scene that was around 9k words. That's the longest I've ever written >w<;;

oooh sounds very exciting :3


Sticks out m'leg add me on nano so we can be friends there



THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE SEEN IN SO LONG. I'm definitely going to create myself one of these later.

Thank you for posting this. 


@deadnoize Welcome to the nano gang! Nano starts in November so if you want to join it there is still a month left to prepare for it! 


✒️ Who are you? 

> I am Ayumu Meu, you can call me Ayu ~

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

> When was in high school if i do remember but then i started taking Literature Course and i write most of the time!

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

> English 

> But i want to write in romanji/hiragana/katakana ; w ; 

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

> related to anime, life, music , fantasy, and anything that my mind likes?

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

> Shounen Ai, fantasy, romance, comedy, thriller, sci-fic ,etc

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

> in my uni, their is. but in online... i don't think i cant handle it >w<


From my last post, I'm now five days into this fictober thing I'm putting myself on a challenge. So far I've written roughly 7700 words and 45000-something alphabets.

I got to write about a few interesting minor relationships that normally don't get mentioned about in the main plot often. Although the last keyword I wrote yesterday somewhat killed my creativity because the story focused on an OC who has been abandoned by everybody for the past twenty years. There was so much negativity in the mood of the story it kinda gives out a bad vibe.. ; ;)"

Anyway, for the keyword today I hope I can write something with more positive vibe!


@sashka Making inktober into a fictober is honestly such a clever idea! Had I known this was an option I would have probably done the same, but I'm now too busy + preparing for November's nanowrimo ;_; I'm so happy to hear you have been doing well so far though & I hope today's keyword will lift up your mood again!! 


Thank you! <3 

It's true that doing fictober is going to be time consuming to a certain degree. I don't doubt that by the time November rolls in I'll likely be totally burnt out. I hope your plan for November's nanowrimo will go really well! 

Admittedly I got interested of November's nanowrimo as well from the link you've posted after discovered that there's a particular region group comprised of a substantial number of users from the country where I live. Too bad since I have yet to create an account thus I couldn't have a peak in the group's forum whether how many of them write in English; it would be really interesting to find people who write fictions in English language as opposed to our native language from the same country!