Lazy Counting {Oc Game}

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 14 days ago) by Runaway

{Oc Counting Game}
If this is not allowed take it down please ;.;

(Other post of mine
Yum or Yuck
Five Facts About Your Oc

Okay, i do not check my own topics often....Im lazy....

While Ic,
Post the next number (counting up from 1)
Have your Oc Name one thing.

When one of my Oc`s post again the count will drop to zero!
If the count reaches 80 I will do a sketch for the 80th person who post! ( i have some of my own art in my gallery!)

As for rules
You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.

Let us start!

Teto nut

"I'm afraid of robots" 153

Marius Schaarwächter Jules

154. I am a self-taught car driver, I still have my license though.

Nazca Finches


I originally landed on earth in Peru. Im now an exchange student in NYC. America is pretty interesting, I plan to stay here awhile.

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Finch Finches


"I am completely obsessed with the horror genera. Games, books, movies, haunted vacation spots. Count me in!"

Kronas Feller-Bettaton Zaten


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Insanity Isaac Zilvas TheLadyAnatola


"I've tried to eat my best friend a couple times, only because he's really bad at answering riddles. I've also been told that the kind of games we played as kids probably weren't the best choices, but I turned out fine anyway. Or at least I think so."

Trive TenMomentsTill


I stole my best friend's house. It's the size of shoebox so its not impressive.

Regina Maelstrom TheLadyAnatola


"Destroying ships is a great workout. Crushing them between your thighs is just showing off, but it's worth doing every once in a while."

 Dust Sunvaren


"I've helped an ancient being reset our world's timeline at least over a hundred times, and we still haven't been able to prevent demons from breaking out of their dimension and causing an apocalypse... well, I'm now beginning to think this isn't the solution, but I haven't really seen any other option besides letting it happen, so... I guess we're gonna keep going."

Ron Daurian Daruby


"Being a taxi driver is not very fun. Every day I come across people who either wipe their feet on the seat, or drunk people do not know the way home"

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Marshmallow Gadgetrocks


I’m made entirely out of sugar. Literally everything is living sugar.

Shizuko Iwahara Akeya


“When you live in San Francisco... You don’t really need to drive when you have public transport. Plus my boyfriend drives me either way!”